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. 2021 Oct 28;10:e64812. doi: 10.7554/eLife.64812

Figure 2. Group averaged power spectra for the two emotional arousal levels (low, high) and head movement conditions (nomov, mov).

Figure 2.

Thick lines represent the mean log-transformed power spectral density of all participants and electrodes. Shaded areas indicate the standard deviation of the participants. High and low emotional arousal are moments that have been rated as most (top tertile) and least arousing (bottom tertile), respectively (the middle tertile was discarded; see main text). The power spectra were produced using MATLAB’s pwelch function with the same data (after ICA correction and before spatio-spectral decomposition [SSD] filtering) and parameters as the individual alpha peak detection (see Materials and methods section for details). A tabular overview of the alpha peak frequencies of the individual participants is available as Figure 2—source data 1.

Figure 2—source data 1. Selected alpha peaks (8–13 Hz) per participant and condition.
Results of FOOF computations for three different conditions: eyes-closed resting state, nomov, and mov.