Figure 11. Super-resolution 3D-SIM analysis of G2 and metaphase cells deleted for Wapl or both Mcph1 and Wapl.
(A) Cells deleted for ΔWapl or ΔWapl+ΔMcph1 in G2 or metaphase (M) were analysed by 3D-SIM. Maximum intensity projections of 16 consecutive mid sections covering 2 µm in depth. The left panel shows DNA coloured in magenta and SCC1-Halo in green. The right panel shows the SCC1 signal with z-depth colour-coded. Scale bar, 5 μm (inset, 1 μm) (B) Representative SCC1-Halo solenoid structure corresponding to one chromosome from a ΔWapl+ΔMcph1 cell in G2 was segmented (green) and overlaid to the DNA (magenta). Scale bar, 2 μm. (C) 3D surface rendering of the segmented and isolated solenoid from panel B. View from the top, right, left, and bottom of one segmented solenoid. Scale bar, 1 μm.