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. 2021 Dec 1;10:e73348. doi: 10.7554/eLife.73348

Appendix 1—key resources table.

Reagent type (species) or resource Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional information
strain, strain background (Escherichia coli) XL1-Blue Competent Cells Thermo-competent Prepared in the lab Used to prepare plasmid DNA
Strain, strain background (S. frugiperda) Sf9 insect cells Thermo Fisher Cat# 11496015
Strain, strain background (Trichoplusia ni) High-Five insect cells Thermo Fisher Cat# B85502
strain, strain background (Escherichia coli) DH10EMBacY Geneva biotech
genetic reagent (Mouse) Ncaph2tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi, ZP3-Cre Houlard et al., 2015
Isolation of Mouse oocytes deleted for Ncaph2
cell line (Mouse) ES-E14 mouse embryonic stem cells RRID:CVCL_C320
cell line (Mouse) E14-Ncaph2Halo/Halo This paper E14 cells homozygous Halo tag Cterminal NCAPH2
cell line (Mouse) E14-Ncaph2Halo/Halo, Mcph1Δ/Δ This paper E14 cells homozygous Halo tag C-terminal NCAPH2, deleted for Mcph1
cell line (Mouse) E14-Ncaph2GFP/GFP This paper E14 cells homozygous GFP tag C-terminal NCAPH2
cell line (Mouse) E14-Ncaph2GFP/GFP Mcph1Δ This paper E14 cells homozygous GFP tag C-terminal NCAPH2, deleted for Mcph1
cell line (Mouse) E14- Ncaph2Halo/Halo Mcph1GFP/GFP This paper E14 cells homozygous GFP tag C-terminal MCPH1 and Halo tag NCAPH2,
cell line (Mouse) E14- Ncaph2Halo/Halo Mcph1ΔCENGFP/ΔCENGFP This paper E14 cells homozygous GFP tag C-terminal MCPH1 deleted of central domain,and Halo tag NCAPH2,
cell line (Mouse) E14-SCC1Halo/Halo, Ncaph2GFP/GFP,WaplLox/Lox, Rosa26CreERT2-LoxSTOPTEV/ CreERT2-LoxSTOPTEV This paper See Figure 10
cell line (Mouse) E14-SCC1Halo/Halo, Ncaph2GFP/GFP,WaplLox/Lox, Rosa26CreERT2-LoxSTOPTEV/ CreERT2-LoxSTOPTEVMcph1Δ/Δ This paper See Figure 10
transfected construct (mouse) pUC19-NCAPH2 Halo TV This paper Targeting Halo tag C-terminal Ncaph2
transfected construct (mouse) pUC19-NCAPH2 GFP TV This paper Targeting GFP tag C-terminal Ncaph2
transfected construct (mouse) pUC19-MCPH1 GFP TV This paper Targeting GFP tag C-terminal MCPH1
transfected construct (mouse) pUC19-MCPH1 ΔCEN TV This paper Targeting deletion of the central domain of MCPH1
transfected construct (mouse) pUC19-SCC1 Halo TV This paper Targeting Halo tag C-terminal SCC1
transfected construct (mouse) pUC19-Rosa26 STOPLoxTEV TV This paper Targeting the insertion of the STOP-Lox-TEV cassette at Rosa 26
transfected construct (mouse) pUC19-WAPL TEV LOX TV This paper Targeting the TEV sites and the LoxP sites in Wapl
antibody NCAPH2 (rabbit polyclonal) Produced on demand by Eurogentec WB: (1/1000)
antibody SCC1 (mouse monoclonal) Millipore 53 A303 WB: (1/1000)
antibody SMC2 (rabbit monoclonal) Cell Signaling Technology D23C5 WB: (1/500)
antibody Lamin B1 (rabbit monoclonal) Abcam Ab133741 WB: (1/1000)
antibody MCPH1 (rabbit monoclonal) Cell Signaling Technology D38G5 WB: (1/1000)
antibody CREST (human autoantibody) Immunovision HCTO-100 IF: (1/500)
antibody H3PS10 (mouse monoclonal) Millipore 3 H10 WB: (1/1000) IF: (1/2000)
antibody ΔH2AX (mouse monoclonal) Millipore JBW301 WB: (1/1000) IF: (1/500)
antibody CDK1 (rabbit polyclonal) Cell Signaling Technology 77,055 WB: (1/1000)
antibody Phospho-CDK1 (rabbit polyclonal) Cell Signaling Technology 9,111 WB: (1/1000)
antibody WAPL (rabbit polyclonal) J.M. Peters Lab WB: (1/1000)
antibody GFP (rabbit polyclonal) Abcam Ab290 WB: (1/1000) IF: (1/500)
antibody PK-Tag (mouse monoclonal) Biorad MCA 1360 G WB: (1/1000)
antibody Cyclin B1 (rabbit monoclonal) Cell Signaling Technology 4138T IF: (1/200)
antibody NCAPD3 (rabbit polyclonal) Bethyl Laboratories A300-604A-M WB: (1/1000)
antibody AlexaFluor-488 secondary antibody anti mouse Life Technology A-11001 Secondary antibody for IF
antibody AlexaFluor-488 secondary antibody anti rabbit Life Technology A-11008 Secondary antibody for IF
antibody AlexaFluor-594 secondary antibody anti mouse Life Technology A-11005 Secondary antibody for IF
antibody AlexaFluor-594 secondary antibody anti rabbit Life Technology A-11012 Secondary antibody for IF
antibody mouse anti-CAP-D3 antibody Santa Cruz Sc-81597 WB (1:1000)
antibody goat DyLight 800 florescent anti-mouse secondary antibodies Cell Signaling Technology Cat #5,257 WB (1:5000)
recombinant DNA reagent Mouse Ncaph2 cDNA Origene MC200537 Initial cDNA used for cloning in pRNA
recombinant DNA reagent Mouse Mcph1 cDNA Dharmacon 5697978 Initial cDNA used for cloning in pRNA
recombinant DNA reagent Mouse SMC2 cDNA Source Bioscience IRAV p968E12162D Initial cDNA used for cloning in pRNA
recombinant DNA reagent pRNA-NCAPH2-GFP Houlard et al., 2015 DOI:10.1038/ncb3167 In vitro transcription of NCAPH2 mRNA for mouse oocyte injection
recombinant DNA reagent pRNA-Mad2 Houlard et al., 2015 DOI:10.1038/ncb3167 In vitro transcription of Mad 2 mRNA for mouse oocyte injection
recombinant DNA reagent pRNA-H2b-mCherry Houlard et al., 2015 DOI: 10.1038/ncb3167 In vitro transcription of H2b-mCherry mRNA for mouse oocyte injection
recombinant DNA reagent pRNA-MCPH1 This paper In vitro transcription of mouse MCPH1 mRNA for mouse oocyte injection
recombinant DNA reagent pRNA-MCPH1-Δ200 This paper In vitro transcription of mouse MCPH1 deleted of the N-terminal 200aa mRNA for mouse oocyte injection
recombinant DNA reagent pRNA-Fusion SMC2-NCAPH2 This paper In vitro transcription of the fusion SMC2-NCAPH2 mRNA for mouse oocyte injection
recombinant DNA reagent pRNA-TEV Houlard et al., 2015 DOI:10.1038/ncb3167 In vitro transcription of TEV mRNA for mouse oocyte injection
recombinant DNA reagent pSptCas9(BB)–2A-Puro Addgene 62,988 Cloning of the SgRNA
recombinant DNA reagent pUC19 NEB Cloning of the targeting construct for CRISPR/Cas9 targeting
Recombinant DNA reagent pLIB Jan-Michael Peters lab, IMP Addgene plasmid # 80,610
Recombinant DNA reagent pLIB MCPH1 Genscript
Recombinant DNA reagent pET His6 MBP TEV LIC cloning vector Scott Gradia lab, UC Berkeley Addgene plasmid # 29,656
Recombinant DNA reagent pET His6 MBP MCPH1 1–435 This study
Recombinant DNA reagent pET His6 MBP MCPH1 1–195 This study
Recombinant DNA reagent pET His6 MBP MCPH1 196–435 This study
Recombinant DNA reagent pET His6 MCPH1 1–435 MBP This study
sequence-based reagent GGTGGAAAGTAGTATATACC This paper Sg RNA used for: NCAPH2-GFP
sequence-based reagent GGTGGAAAGTAGTATATACC This paper Sg RNA used for: NCAPH2-Halo
sequence-based reagent GGTGTGCAATTCCTAGTGTG This paper Sg RNA used for: MCPH1 deletion Sg5'
sequence-based reagent AGCTGTTCCTTAGAACACGA This paper Sg RNA used for: MCPH1 deletion Sg3'
sequence-based reagent ACAGTGAGACATCTACAATG This paper Sg RNA used for: MCPH1-GFP
sequence-based reagent CATGGATTTCTCCGGTGAAT This paper Sg RNA used for: STOP-TEV
sequence-based reagent AATGGGTGCTTATAATTAGC This paper Sg RNA used for: WAPL-Lox-TEV Sg5'
sequence-based reagent ACAATGTCACAATGGCTCAT This paper Sg RNA used for: WAPL-Lox-TEV Sg3'
sequence-based reagent ATAATATGGAACCGTGGTCC This paper Sg RNA used for: SCC1-Halo
sequence-based reagent cgttgaggcttcttcctatg This paper Sg RNA used for: DELCEN-MCPH1
sequence-based reagent AATGGGTGCTTATAATTAGC and ACAATGTCACAATGGCTCAT This paper Sg RNA used for: TEV sites in Wapl
peptide, recombinant protein 5FAM-MCPH1407-422 Genscript
peptide, recombinant protein MCPH1407-422 Genscript
peptide, recombinant protein MCPH1407-422pS417 Genscript
commercial assay or kit Click-iT EdU Alexa Fluor 488 Imaging kit In vitrogen C10337 EdU fluorescent labeling
commercial assay or kit Gibson assembly NEB E5510S Cloning kit
commercial assay or kit GFP-trap agarose beads Chromotek GTA-10 GFP tagged protein purification
Commercial assay or kit HiTrap Q HP cytiva Cat #17–0407
Commercial assay or kit HiTrap Heparin HP cytiva Cat #17–0407
Commercial assay or kit StrepTrap HP cytiva Cat #28–9075
Commercial assay or kit Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL cytiva Cat #29-0915-96
Commercial assay or kit Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL cytiva Cat # 28990944
Commercial assay or kit HiLoad 16/60 Superdex 200 GE Healthcare Cat# GE28-9893-35
Commercial assay or kit EnzChek phosphate assay kit Invitrogen Cat# E6
Commercial assay or kit 4%–12% NuPAGE Bis-Tris gels Invitrogen Cat #NW04125
Commercial assay or kit Color Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range 11–245 kDa NEB Cat # P7719
Commercial assay or kit Pierce Silver Stain Kit Thermo Scientific Cat # 24,612
Commercial assay or kit InstantBlue Coomassie Protein Stain Abcam Cat #ab119211
Chemical compound, drug cellfectin II Gibco, Thermo Fisher Cat #10362100
Chemical compound, drug FBS Gibco, Thermo fisher Cat #10082139
Chemical compound, drug Pierce Protease Inhibitor Tablets Thermo Scientific Cat #A32965
Chemical compound, drug Benzonase millipore Cat #E1014
Chemical compound, drug HisPur Ni-NTA Resin Thermo Scientific Cat #88,221
Chemical compound, drug Strep-tactin Sepharose resin Iba-lifesciences Cat # 2-1201-002
chemical compound, drug HALO-PROTAC Promega CS2072A01 In vivo degradation of Halo-NCAPH2
chemical compound, drug Halo-TMR Promega G8251 Halo tagged protein detection
chemical compound, drug Halo-JFX554 Grimm et al., 2021 DOI:10.1021/jacsau.1c00006 Halo tag detection by fluorescence
chemical compound, drug RO-3306 Sigma SML0569 CDK1 inhibitor
chemical compound, drug Lipofectamine 2000 Thermofisher 11668030 E14 transfection reagent
chemical compound, drug Q5 DNA polymerase NEB M0491L PCR amplification
software, algorithm CRISPOR Guide RNA design
software, algorithm EasyFRAP FRAP data analysis
software, algorithm Fiji 2.0.0-rc-49/1.52i NIH Image Image analysis and quantification
Software Image studio Li-Cor