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. 2021 Dec 14;150(6):4315–4328. doi: 10.1121/10.0008899


The summary of hierarchical regressions. Note that the p-values reflect the significance of the changes in R2 at each step of the model. The significant values are shown in bold.

Content words correct
Prosody Predictor R 2 Change in R2 p value
Congruent CNC score 0.433 0.433 0.002
Vocabulary 0.473 0.041 0.268
Age 0.49 0.017 0.476
Reduced CNC score 0.453 0.453 0.001
Vocabulary 0.486 0.033 0.314
Age 0.546 0.06 0.166
Conflicting CNC score 0.199 0.199 0.049
Vocabulary 0.241 0.042 0.345
Age 0.336 0.094 0.151
Complete sentences correct
Condition Predictor R 2 Change in R2 p value
Congruent CNC score 0.224 0.224 0.035
Vocabulary 0.225 0.001 0.893
Age 0.389 0.164 0.055
Reduced CNC score 0.158 0.158 0.082
Vocabulary 0.184 0.026 0.472
Age 0.216 0.032 0.431
Conflicting CNC score 0.032 0.032 0.449
Vocabulary 0.117 0.085 0.217
Age 0.184 0.067 0.27