A Sihler's stained rat hind limb, showing the major branches of the sciatic nerve and their distribution in the calf muscles. (a) Low-power view of the Sihler's stained left hind limb after microdissection, 4x. The sciatic nerve is divided into three major branches: CP, tibial, and sural (sensory). The peroneal nerve gives off branches to innervate TA and EDL. The tibial nerve gives off branches to supply the GM, soleus, FHL, FDL, and muscles in the foot. The GM-l and GM-m are outlined by white dotted lines. (b) Magnification of the boxed region in A showing the intramuscular branching and distribution patterns of the peroneal and tibial nerves. The upper part of the tibia was removed. The deep peroneal nerve (DPN) supplies branches to the TA and EDL. The tibial nerve gives off three branches, first branch to the GM, second branch to the foot, and third branch to the FHL and FDL. Also, the GM nerve branch gives off two secondary branches, one innervating the GM-l and soleus and another supplying the GM-m. SPN, superficial peroneal nerve, 12x. (c–e) High-power view of the branching of the sciatic nerve and intramuscular innervation of the tibial and peroneal nerves, 16x.