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. 2021 Oct 27;27(12):2111–2119. doi: 10.1038/s41591-021-01571-8

Extended Data Fig. 5. Average outcomes and ATCs: a smaller set of covariates.

Extended Data Fig. 5

In each panel, the horizontal axis indicates dates in 2020, and the vertical turquoise line corresponds to the survey date. In the outcome panels (a, c, e, g, i, k, m), the vertical axis represents the average number of confirmed cases per 100,000 residents, the black and red lines correspond to the average outcomes of the matched treated and control municipalities, respectively, and the dotted black line represents the average outcomes of all treated municipalities, both matched and unmatched. In the ATC panels (b, d, f, h, j, l, n), the vertical axis represents ATCs, the thick black line indicates the point estimates of ATCs, and the shaded grey area presents the 95% confidence intervals. Cluster-robust standard errors are utilized where clusters are a pair of matched municipalities and a municipality. a, outcome, March 4. b, ATC, March 4. c, outcome, March 16. d, ATC, March 16. e, outcome, April 6. f, ATC, April 6. g, outcome, April 10. h, ATC, April 10. i, outcome, April 16. j, ATC, April 16. k, outcome, April 22. l, ATC, April 22. m, outcome, May 11. n, ATC, May 11.

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