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. 2021 Dec 15;11:24035. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-03375-9

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics, type of stroke and comorbidity among 5065 patients with acute stroke.

Characteristic Original/imputed
Original Imputed
Total Non-fallers Fallers Total Non-fallers Fallers
n = 4637 n = 428 n = 4637 n = 428
Age (years), median (min–max) (IQR) 76 (20; 104) (67; 85) 76 (20; 104) (67; 85) 78 (32; 100) (70; 85) 76 (20; 104) (67; 85) 76 (20; 104) (67; 85) 78 (32; 100) (70; 85)
Women 2397 (47.3%) 2243 (48.4%) 154 (36.0%) 2397 (47.3%) 2243 (48.4%) 154 (36.0%)
Type of stroke 490a, 490b
Haemorrhagic 534 (11.7%) 459 (11.0%) 75 (19.3%) 534 (11.7%) 459 (11.0%) 75 (19.3%)
Ischemic 4041 (88.3%) 3727 (89.0%) 314 (80.7%) 4041 (88.3%) 3727 (89.0%) 314 (80.7%)
Stroke severity (NIHSS total score) 2078a 4.2 (5.7) 4.0 (5.6) 6.7 (6.5) 5.2 (6.7) 5.1(6.6) 6.8 (6.8)
Mean (SD) 2 (0; 32) 2 (0; 32) 4 (0; 24) 2 (0; 32) 2 (0; 32) 4 (0; 30)
Median (min–max) (IQR) (0; 6) (0; 5) (2; 10) (0; 8) (0; 7) (1; 10)
Thrombolysis treatment 44a 582 (11.6%) 539 (11.7%) 43 (10.1%) 588 (11.6%) 545 (11.8%) 43 (10.0%)
Receiving thrombectomy 392a 256 (5.5%) 217 (5.0%) 39 (10.4%) 299 (5.9%) 255 (5.5%) 44 (10.3%)
Time to first assessment by a PT (min)
≤ 24 h 4036 (79.7%) 3690 (79.6%) 346 (80.8%) 4098 (80.9%) 3750 (80.9%) 348 (81.3%)
> 24 men ≤ 48 h 600 (11.8%) 538 (11.6%) 62 (14.5%) 608 (12.0%) 546 (11.8%) 62 (14.5%)
> 48 h 168 (3.3%) 152 (3.3%) 16 (3.7%) 169 (3.3%) 153 (3.3%) 16 (3.7%)
No assessment 186 (3.7%) 184 (4.0%) 2 (0.5%) 190 (3.8%) 188 (4.1%) 2 (0.5%)
Unknown if assessed or not 75 (1.5%) 73 (1.6%) 2 (0.5%)
Physical activity level (SGPALS) 1742a
(1) Physically inactive 1840 (55.4%) 1650 (54.4%) 190 (65.7%) 2848 (56.2%) 2570 (55.4%) 278 (65.0%)
(2) Some light physical activity 1290 (38.8%) 1205 (39.7%) 85 (29.4%) 1928 (38.1%) 1801 (38.8%) 127 (29.7%)
(3) Regular physical activity and training 186 (5.6%) 172 (5.7%) 14 (4.8%) 280 (5.5%) 257 (5.5%) 23 (5.4%)
(4) Regular hard physical training for competitive sports 7 (0.2%) 7 (0.2%) 0 9 (0.2%) 9 (0.2%) 0
Diabetes mellitus 39a 979 (19.5%) 878 (19.1%) 101 (23.7%) 991 (19.6%) 890 (19.2%) 101 (23.6%)
Hypertension 47a 2806 (55.9%) 2563 (55.8%) 243 (57.2%) 2836 (56.0%) 2591 (55.9%) 245 (57.2%)
Atrial fibrillation 37a 1377 (27.4%) 1240 (26.9%) 137 (32.2%) 1387 (27.4%) 1250 (27.0%) 137 (32.0%)
Smoking 606a 647 (14.5%) 581 (14.2%) 66 (17.7%) 745 (14.7%) 659 (14.2%) 86 (20.1%)
Postural control, independent, in walking 10 m indoors 1543a 1619 (46.0%) 1589 (49.4%) 30 (9.8%) 2221 (43.8%) 2162 (46.6%) 59 (13.8%)
Postural control, independent, in sitting 1858a 2714 (84.6%) 2500 (85.6%) 214 (74.3%) 4153 (82.0%) 3827 (82.5%) 326 (76.2%)
Postural control, independent, in standing 1989a 2234 (72.6%) 2124 (76.0%) 110 (39.1%) 3414 (67.4%) 3223 (69.5%) 191 (44.6%)
Previous fall 2431a 827 (31.4%) 730 (30.0%) 97 (48.7%) 1933 (38.2%) 1719 (37.1%) 214 (50.0%)
Stroke-related arm or hand problem 1832a 2197 (68.0%) 1959 (66.5%) 238 (82.9%) 3370 (66.5%) 3033 (65.4%) 337 (78.7%)
Cognition (MoCA)—grouped
Normal capacity (MoCA score ≥ 26) 606 (12.0%) 587 (12.7%) 19 (4.4%) 1337 (26.4%) 1273 (27.5%) 64 (15.0%)
Impaired cognition (MoCA score < 26) 1232 (24.3%) 1096 (23.6%) 136 (31.8%) 3728 (73.6%) 3364 (72.5%) 364 (85.0%)
Not performed/unknown 3227 (63.7%) 2954 (63.7%) 273 (63.8%)
Urinary catheter during hospital stay 394a 910 (19.5%) 780 (18.3%) 130 (32.3%) 998 (19.7%) 861 (18.6%) 137 (32.0%)
Urinary tract infection during hospital stay 83a 484 (9.7%) 407 (8.9%) 77 (18.5%) 506 (10.0%) 425 (9.2%) 81 (18.9%)
Length of stay (days) median (min–max) (IQR) 8 (1; 147) (4; 16) 7 (1; 147) (4; 14) 20 (2; 91) (13; 29) 8 (1; 147) (4; 16) 7 (1; 147) (4; 14) 20 (2; 91) (13; 29)

For categorical variables, n (%) is presented.

For continuous variables, the median (min; max) and (Q1; Q3) are presented.

There was no imputation for the 490 individuals who did not have data on the type of stroke.

IQR interquartile range, NIHSS the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, PT physical therapist, SGPALS the Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Scale, MoCA the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale.

aIndicates the number of missing data before the imputation of missing data.

bIndicates the number of missing data after the process of data imputation.