Fig. 11.
The preclinical studies of hydrogel applications. a–c Preparation of a hyaluronic acid (HA)-based hydrogel that released CAR-T cells to target the human chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 (a) and anti-PDL1-conjugated platelets for inhibiting post-surgery melanoma tumor recurrence (b, c). *p = 0.0486, ***p < 0.001380 Copyright 2021, Springer nature. d–f Pufferfish-inspired ingestible hydrogel device (d, e) for long-term gastric retention and physiological monitoring like porcine gastric temperature (f).411 Copyright 2019, Springer nature. g–m A photoinduced imine-cross-linking hydrogel (g) with pulsatile TGF-beta inhibitor release characteristic (h–k) for promoting scarless wound healing in rabbit ear scar (l) and porcine skin (m).339 Copyright 2021, Springer nature