Cladograms of functional genes from Site 1 (Tamra), that were produced by the LCA Algorithm in MEGAN (Version 5). The sizes of colored circles represent that relative contribution of a taxa to the functional genes analyzed in a given cladogram. Numbers in Brackets represent the number of genes that were annotated to a given taxon for that set of genes. (A) Potential indole acetic acid biosynthetic genes. Total genes, 24. (B) Cellulose degrading genes. Total genes identified, 89. (C) Alkaline phosphatase genes. Total genes identified, 26. (D) ACC deaminase genes. Total genes Identified, 2. (E) Chitin degrading genes. Total genes identified, 14. (F) Pectinase genes. Total genes identified, 2. (G) Phytase genes. Total genes identified, 2.