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. 2021 Nov 6;14(12):2750–2772. doi: 10.1111/eva.13309


Correlations between adaptive phenotypes and environmental variables, as identified using linear mixed‐effects models that account for gene pool as a random factor

Trait Environmental factor Direction of correlation R 2 p
Height Altitude 0.650 <0.001
Tmax July 0.709 <0.001
Tmax August 0.201 0.023
bb2015 Altitude 0.200 0.020
dbb2015 Longitude 0.245 0.044
bb2017 Longitude 0.262 0.028
dbb2017 Latitude + 0.290 0.042
Altitude 0.430 0.001
Tmax July 0.212 0.044
Tmax August 0.193 0.033
Prec in August + 0.123 0.027
Prec in September + 0.123 0.027
Dsapinea necrosis Latitude + 0.341 0.031
Altitude 0.482 0.018
Tmax July 0.465 0.034
Tmax August 0.394 0.036
Dsapinea disc latitude + 0.284 0.013
Tmax June 0.310 0.009
Tmax July 0.524 0.004
Tmax August 0.462 0.003
Prec. in September 0.315 0.004
Aostoyae necrosis Latitude 0.750 0.016
Altitude 0.614 0.040

Only models that performed significantly better than a null model excluding the fixed effect are reported. R 2, the proportion of variance explained by the fixed predictor in the mixed‐effects model. For necrosis length caused by Aostoyae, a simple linear regression model was used as each gene pool was only represented by a single population.

Abbreviations: bb, bud burst; dbb, duration of bud burst; disc, needle discoloration; Tmax, maximum temperature; prec, precipitation.