(A) Patients with IBD who were in remission (i.e., pMayo score ≤2 for UC cases and sCDAI ≤4 for CD cases) at the time of study entry were prospectively monitored for disease relapse for up to 12 months (31 UC and 16 CD). The percentage of patients who maintained remission is shown. (B) Interval between follow-up visits (i.e., days from initial visit) in UC. (C) Change in pMayo score from the initial visit to the last visit (ΔpMayo) in UC. (D) The percentage of the composite (+) patients with UC. (E) Interval between follow-up visits (i.e., days from initial visit) in CD. (F) change in sCDAI score from the initial visit to the last visit (ΔsCDAI) in CD. (G) The percentage of the composite (+) patients with CD. (B, C, E, and F) Results are shown as mean ± SD. Dots indicate individual participants. P values by the log-rank test (A), 1-way ANOVA with the Bonferroni test (B and E), Student’s t test (C and F), and Fisher exact test (D and G) are shown.