Figure 8. Fifty-four DE ion channel and/or action potential–related transcriptomes throughout epileptogenesis rescued upon rapamycin treatment.
(A) Flowchart of the analysis used based on the KEGG BRITE 04040 and GO term action potential (GO: 0001508) gene lists and additional inclusion criteria used as a selection of genes of interest. At the start, 3645 DE transcripts from Tsc1-Cre+ day 13 mice versus Tsc1-Cre– mice were used to end up with 56 DE transcripts of which 54 were rescued with rapamycin treatment. (B) Heatmap depicting the z scores of the 56 genes identified (GO term 0001508 action potential) that are significantly up- or downregulated (indicated as red or blue) in Tsc1-Cre– and Tsc1-Cre+ day 4, Tsc1-Cre+ day 6, Tsc1-Cre+ day 13, and Tsc1-Cre+-Rap 4 mice. (C) The 54 significant and rescued-upon-rapamycin genes of interest were plotted over time. If the gene was also found in the TSC patient RNA-Seq database, the gene is highlighted with an asterisk.