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. 2020 Oct 12;43(1):470–499. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25204


Sex differences in mean and variance

(a) Subcortical volume Female (n = 7141) Male (n = 6555) Mean difference test Variance Ratio test
M M p Cohen's d VR p
Left thal ‐328.287 357.024 ** 0.840 0.237 **
Right thal ‐317.358 345.963 ** 0.918 0.357 **
Left caud ‐139.573 152.488 ** 0.609 0.150 **
Right caud ‐147.366 160.706 ** 0.625 0.147 **
Left put ‐237.405 257.178 ** 0.757 0.197 **
Right put ‐233.415 252.623 ** 0.786 0.220 **
Left pal ‐86.166 93.761 ** 0.768 0.317 **
Right pal ‐74.910 81.507 ** 0.793 0.339 **
Left hippo ‐137.976 149.409 ** 0.673 0.173 **
Right hippo ‐134.745 145.724 ** 0.669 0.232 **
Left amyg ‐73.754 80.305 ** 0.765 0.154 **
Right amyg ‐80.242 87.372 ** 0.790 0.216 **
Left accumb ‐22.255 24.369 ** 0.414 0.168 **
Right accumb ‐22.755 24.685 ** 0.454 0.119 **
(b) Surface area Female (n = 6243) Male (n = 5092) Mean difference test Variance Ratio test
M M p Cohen's d VR p
Left bankssts ‐45.976 56.715 ** 0.596 0.282 **
Left caudalanteriorcingulate ‐25.875 31.956 ** 0.420 0.131 **
Left caudalmiddlefrontal ‐100.326 123.509 ** 0.589 0.163 **
Left cuneus ‐55.069 67.958 ** 0.605 0.188 **
Left entorhinal ‐19.379 23.824 ** 0.540 0.310 **
Left fusiform ‐142.081 174.977 ** 0.794 0.240 **
Left inferiorparietal ‐203.760 250.694 ** 0.751 0.288 **
Left inferiortemporal ‐158.709 195.821 ** 0.778 0.193 **
Left isthmuscingulate ‐54.544 67.228 ** 0.765 0.326 **
Left lateraloccipital ‐229.910 284.223 ** 0.893 0.240 **
Left lateralorbitofrontal ‐93.815 115.782 ** 0.771 0.194 **
Left lingual ‐114.132 141.130 ** 0.630 0.197 **
Left medialorbitofrontal ‐76.336 94.318 ** 0.741 0.288 **
Left middletemporal ‐139.909 172.666 ** 0.808 0.227 **
Left parahippocampal ‐24.273 30.139 ** 0.522 0.330 **
Left paracentral ‐46.588 57.790 ** 0.578 0.303 **
Left parsopercularis ‐63.862 78.461 ** 0.536 0.350 **
Left parsorbitalis ‐27.703 34.060 ** 0.755 0.223 **
Left parstriangularis ‐55.836 68.926 ** 0.633 0.262 **
Left pericalcarine ‐48.359 58.895 ** 0.485 0.151 **
Left postcentral ‐176.934 217.762 ** 0.867 0.286 **
Left posteriorcingulate ‐50.597 62.161 ** 0.651 0.253 **
Left precentral ‐207.652 255.826 ** 0.949 0.319 **
Left precuneus ‐163.276 200.728 ** 0.834 0.266 **
Left rostralanteriorcingulate ‐40.967 50.637 ** 0.619 0.160 **
Left rostralmiddlefrontal ‐297.267 365.653 ** 0.934 0.261 **
Left superiorfrontal ‐330.564 406.757 ** 0.962 0.269 **
Left superiorparietal ‐202.642 249.403 ** 0.730 0.241 **
Left superiortemporal ‐177.562 218.916 ** 0.970 0.262 **
Left supramarginal ‐205.547 254.230 ** 0.877 0.304 **
Left frontalpole ‐6.671 8.241 ** 0.439 0.249 **
Left temporalpole ‐15.185 18.664 ** 0.557 0.224 **
Left transversetemporal ‐19.898 24.463 ** 0.585 0.239 **
Left insula ‐84.765 104.782 ** 0.847 0.250 **
Right bankssts ‐42.654 52.655 ** 0.662 0.261 **
Right caudalanteriorcingulate ‐31.929 39.489 ** 0.465 0.275 **
Right caudalmiddlefrontal ‐95.924 117.705 ** 0.563 0.225 **
Right cuneus ‐61.606 75.541 ** 0.668 0.213 **
Right entorhinal ‐16.941 20.615 ** 0.467 0.339 **
Right fusiform ‐155.696 191.647 ** 0.900 0.225 **
Right inferiorparietal ‐278.411 342.870 ** 0.920 0.325 **
Right inferiortemporal ‐157.460 193.922 ** 0.827 0.187 **
Right isthmuscingulate ‐47.046 57.740 ** 0.723 0.314 **
Right lateraloccipital ‐227.765 282.023 ** 0.876 0.279 **
Right lateralorbitofrontal ‐99.594 122.823 ** 0.765 0.234 **
Right lingual ‐110.640 136.478 ** 0.644 0.225 **
Right medialorbitofrontal ‐70.180 86.695 ** 0.777 0.203 **
Right middletemporal ‐155.924 192.222 ** 0.857 0.224 **
Right parahippocampal ‐30.721 37.810 ** 0.708 0.357 **
Right paracentral ‐57.941 71.375 ** 0.609 0.349 **
Right parsopercularis ‐53.895 65.892 ** 0.506 0.312 **
Right parsorbitalis ‐35.086 43.159 ** 0.771 0.197 **
Right parstriangularis ‐69.557 85.138 ** 0.634 0.252 **
Right pericalcarine ‐56.327 68.894 ** 0.528 0.145 **
Right postcentral ‐168.595 208.307 ** 0.851 0.278 **
Right posteriorcingulate ‐52.836 65.327 ** 0.662 0.237 **
Right precentral ‐216.995 267.894 ** 0.950 0.341 **
Right precuneus ‐184.909 228.043 ** 0.878 0.248 **
Right rostralanteriorcingulate ‐33.179 41.005 ** 0.576 0.221 **
Right rostralmiddlefrontal ‐294.685 363.055 ** 0.898 0.228 **
Right superiorfrontal ‐325.198 400.002 ** 0.939 0.258 **
Right superiorparietal ‐205.624 252.962 ** 0.765 0.216 **
Right superiortemporal ‐132.506 163.787 ** 0.800 0.243 **
Right supramarginal ‐168.426 207.920 ** 0.754 0.285 **
Right frontalpole ‐9.712 11.996 ** 0.481 0.194 **
Right temporalpole ‐11.097 13.725 ** 0.422 0.228 **
Right transversetemporal ‐14.315 17.686 ** 0.564 0.194 **
Right insula ‐95.695 117.482 ** 0.863 0.238 **
(c) Thickness Female (n = 6620) Male (n = 5913) Mean difference test Variance Ratio test
M M p Cohen's d VR p
Left bankssts 0.001 ‐0.001 n.s. 0.011 0.039 **
Left caudalanteriorcingulate 0.026 ‐0.028 ** 0.213 ‐0.042 n.s.
Left caudalmiddlefrontal 0.008 ‐0.008 ** 0.103 0.061 *
Left cuneus 0.000 0.000 n.s. 0.001 0.050 *
Left entorhinal ‐0.013 0.015 ** 0.084 0.023 n.s.
Left fusiform 0.001 ‐0.001 n.s. 0.016 0.022 n.s.
Left inferiorparietal 0.009 ‐0.009 ** 0.128 0.092 **
Left inferiortemporal ‐0.002 0.003 n.s. 0.027 0.004 n.s.
Left isthmuscingulate 0.009 ‐0.009 ** 0.088 ‐0.007 **
Left lateraloccipital 0.005 ‐0.005 ** 0.074 0.079 **
Left lateralorbitofrontal ‐0.002 0.003 n.s. 0.036 0.101 **
Left lingual ‐0.003 0.004 ** 0.058 0.040 n.s.
Left medialorbitofrontal ‐0.004 0.006 ** 0.058 0.027 n.s.
Left middletemporal ‐0.003 0.004 n.s. 0.037 0.093 *
Left parahippocampal 0.015 ‐0.016 ** 0.098 0.016 n.s.
Left paracentral 0.006 ‐0.005 ** 0.067 0.030 **
Left parsopercularis ‐0.002 0.003 n.s. 0.027 0.087 **
Left parsorbitalis 0.013 ‐0.014 ** 0.120 0.071 **
Left parstriangularis 0.004 ‐0.004 * 0.049 0.084 **
Left pericalcarine 0.000 0.001 n.s. 0.006 0.043 **
Left postcentral 0.008 ‐0.009 ** 0.133 0.078 **
Left posteriorcingulate 0.004 ‐0.004 ** 0.052 0.080 **
Left precentral 0.007 ‐0.007 ** 0.097 0.112 **
Left precuneus 0.000 0.000 n.s. 0.002 0.041 **
Left rostralanteriorcingulate 0.020 ‐0.021 ** 0.170 ‐0.046 n.s.
Left rostralmiddlefrontal 0.005 ‐0.004 ** 0.061 0.112 **
Left superiorfrontal 0.013 ‐0.014 ** 0.168 0.048 n.s.
Left superiorparietal 0.009 ‐0.009 ** 0.136 0.098 **
Left superiortemporal ‐0.001 0.001 n.s. 0.014 0.052 **
Left supramarginal 0.009 ‐0.009 ** 0.126 0.064 **
Left frontalpole 0.015 ‐0.016 ** 0.100 0.036 n.s.
Left temporalpole 0.004 ‐0.004 n.s. 0.023 0.027 n.s.
Left transversetemporal 0.020 ‐0.021 ** 0.177 0.018 n.s.
Left insula ‐0.009 0.011 ** 0.121 0.049 n.s.
Right bankssts ‐0.001 0.002 n.s. 0.016 0.064 **
Right caudalanteriorcingulate 0.027 ‐0.030 ** 0.242 ‐0.029 n.s.
Right caudalmiddlefrontal 0.008 ‐0.009 ** 0.109 0.019 **
Right cuneus 0.003 ‐0.002 n.s. 0.034 0.027 *
Right entorhinal 0.005 ‐0.005 n.s. 0.028 0.026 n.s.
Right fusiform 0.001 0.000 n.s. 0.008 0.029 n.s.
Right inferiorparietal 0.008 ‐0.008 ** 0.110 0.103 **
Right inferiortemporal 0.000 0.001 n.s. 0.003 0.032 n.s.
Right isthmuscingulate 0.010 ‐0.010 ** 0.099 ‐0.038 **
Right lateraloccipital 0.004 ‐0.004 ** 0.057 0.078 **
Right lateralorbitofrontal 0.003 ‐0.003 n.s. 0.036 0.074 **
Right lingual ‐0.002 0.003 n.s. 0.036 0.036 n.s.
Right medialorbitofrontal 0.003 ‐0.003 n.s. 0.033 0.056 n.s.
Right middletemporal ‐0.003 0.004 * 0.047 0.065 **
Right parahippocampal 0.021 ‐0.023 ** 0.162 0.028 n.s.
Right paracentral 0.004 ‐0.004 ** 0.055 0.065 **
Right parsopercularis 0.000 0.000 n.s. 0.001 0.037 **
Right parsorbitalis 0.018 ‐0.019 ** 0.164 0.026 n.s.
Right parstriangularis 0.004 ‐0.004 ** 0.053 0.008 **
Right pericalcarine 0.001 ‐0.001 n.s. 0.017 0.020 n.s.
Right postcentral 0.009 ‐0.009 ** 0.135 0.009 **
Right posteriorcingulate 0.007 ‐0.007 ** 0.082 0.013 **
Right precentral 0.008 ‐0.009 ** 0.119 0.084 **
Right precuneus ‐0.001 0.002 n.s. 0.018 0.063 **
Right rostralanteriorcingulate 0.009 ‐0.010 ** 0.080 0.055 n.s.
Right rostralmiddlefrontal 0.006 ‐0.006 ** 0.078 0.085 **
Right superiorfrontal 0.013 ‐0.013 ** 0.165 0.065 *
Right superiorparietal 0.008 ‐0.009 ** 0.132 0.065 **
Right superiortemporal ‐0.003 0.004 * 0.042 0.073 **
Right supramarginal 0.006 ‐0.007 ** 0.086 0.096 **
Right frontalpole 0.021 ‐0.022 ** 0.140 0.012 n.s.
Right temporalpole ‐0.006 0.007 * 0.038 0.023 n.s.
Right transversetemporal 0.011 ‐0.031 ** 0.095 0.101 *
Right insula ‐0.008 0.010 ** 0.107 0.092 **

* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, both after FDR correction.