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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Mar 31.
Published in final edited form as: J Vis Exp. 2021 Mar 31;(169):10.3791/62391. doi: 10.3791/62391


Name Company Catalog Number Comments
15 cm dishes Corning 430599 tissue culture treated
35 mm dishes Corning 430165 tissue culture treated
6-well plates Corning 3516 tissue culture treated
Antimicrobial reagent Brand Name: Normocin Invitrogen ant-nr-1
bFGF R&D systems 233-FB-025 use at 50 ng/mL
BMP4 BioLegend 595202 use at 25 ng/mL
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Fisher Scientific BP1600–1
Cell Detatchment Solution Brand Name: Accutase Stemcell Technologies 7920
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) Sigma Aldrich D2650–100mL
Dispase Stemcell Technologies 7913
DLL4 R&D systems 1506-D4/CF recombinant human; use at 10 μg/mL
DMEM:F12 Gibco 11320–033
Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) Gibco 14190144
Endothelial cell growth medium Brand Name: EGM-2 Endothelial Cell Growth Medium-2 BulletKit (EGM-2) Lonza CC-3162
FACS tubes Corning 352235 polystyrene round bottom with filter cap
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) Gemini Bio 100–106
Fibronectin ThermoFisher Scientific 33016015 use at 4 μg/cm2
GSK3i/CHIR99021 Stemgent 04–0004–02 10 mM stock; use at 5 μM
Hanks Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) Gibco 14175–095
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Fisher Scientific A144S-500
Matrix protein Brand Name: Matrigel Corning 356230 Growth factor reduced. Refer to the Certificate of Analysis for the lot to determine the protein (Matrigel) concentration. This concentration is required to calculate the volume of Matrigel that contains 1 mg of protein.
Methylcellulose-based medium Brand Name: MethoCult H4435 Enriched Stemcell Technologies 4435
Pluripotent stem cell differentiation medium Brand Name: STEMdiff APEL 2 Stemcell Technologies 5270
Pluripotent stem cells: H1, H9, H9-FUCCI WiCell WA09 (H9), WA01 (H1) human; H9-FUCCI were obtained from Dr. Ludovic Vallier’s lab at Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
Protein-Free Hybridoma Medium (PFMH) Gibco 12040077
Retinoic Acid Sigma Aldrich R2625–50mg use at 0.5 μM
Reverse transcription master mix Brand Name: iScript Reverse Transcription Supermix BioRad 1708840
RNA extraction kit Brand Name: RNeasy Mini Kit Qiagen 74104
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Fisher Scientific SS255–1
Stem cell growth medium Brand Name: mTeSR1 Stemcell Technologies 85850
SYBR Green master mix Brand Name: iTaq Universal SYBR Green Master Mix BioRad 1725121
Trypsin-EDTA Gibco 25299956 0.25%
VEGF165 (VEGF-A) PeproTech 100–20 use at 50 ng/mL
α-CD31-FITC BioLegend 303104 2 μg/mL*
α-CD45-APC/Cy7 BioLegend 304014 2 μg/mL*
α-Flk-1-PE/Cy7 BioLegend 359911 2 μg/mL*
α-c-Kit-APC BioLegend 313206 2 μg/mL*
α-VE-Cadherin-PE BioLegend 348506 2 μg/mL*
α-CD34-Pacific Blue BioLegend 343512 2 μg/mL*

Antibody fluorescent conjugates should be optimized based on the cell sorter used. Presented here are the final concentrations utilized in this study.