Fig. 2.
Closed system Sepax spinoculation is an alternative to bag spinoculation. T-cells were stimulated with CD3/28 dynabeads before being divided between 6 different conditions: Bag centrifuge, 2-h Sepax, 1-h Sepax, 0.5-h Sepax, Static bag, or untransduced control (UNT CTRL). A Representative transduction efficiency from flow histograms are shown. B Cumulative flow transduction efficiency is shown. C Fold expansion as calculated from day 4–9. D The vector copy number per transduced cell at day 9. E Viability among groups on Day 0 and Day 9, with all groups being near 100% viable on day 9. Mean and SD of triplicate experiments are shown ****Indicates p ≤ 0.0001 between the static and Sepax groups