Fig. 3.
Circos diagram. Complete results of quantitative trait loci (QTL) and epistasis interaction identified for pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) resistance from AAC Innova/AAC Tenacious doubled haploid mapping population using composite interval mapping are shown in Circos diagram. The outermost track shows the 21 chromosomes (1A -7D) arranged in clockwise direction with PHS resistance QTLs (in red color font) and their linked or few randomly selected markers (in blue color font) in 0.1X scale (cM). Three inner tracks and line connections in the middle, respectively, represent the mean LOD score (second track from outside), % phenotypic variation (R2) explained (third track from outside), additive effect (AE) (fourth track from outside) of individual QTLs and epistatic effect (AA) of digenic QTL × QTL interactions (line connection in the middle) for PHS resistance in different environments. In the second and third tracks from outside, blue lines show a LOD threshold of 2.5 and R2 threshold of 10%, respectively. QTL confidence intervals are shown in different colors beneath the QTL scans in second track from outside. LOD score, % R2 and AE peaks for different environments are represented by different colors as shown in the effects legend in the middle of the Circos diagram. A negative QTL × QTL interaction between QTLs QPhs.lrdc-1A.1 and QPhs.lrdc-7A, on chromosomes 1A and 7A, is shown as line connection in the middle of the Circos diagram. The width of the line connection represent the strength of AA effect, as shown in the AA interaction scale