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. 2021 Dec 16;12:7215. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27484-1

Table 2.

Regression model forms.

Model Form Description
Single Pollutant (SP) D=β0+β1PMi+j=1NβjCj Primary models evaluating association of PM2.5 or a component with mortality
Single Pollutant-Adjusted for total PM2.5 (SP-adj) D=β0+β1PMi+β2PM2.5+j=1NβjCj SP model with adjustment of components for total PM2.5
Residual (R)


where residuali = PMimi × PM2.5bi

and mi and bi are component-specific coefficients obtained from the regression: PMi = mi × PM2.5 + bi

Second adjustment model of PM2.5 components for total PM2.5 based on residuals from regressing total PM2.5 components on PM2.5
Multipollutant (MP) D=β0+{β1PMOA}+β2PMSeaspray+β3PMSoot+β4PMNH4NO3+β5PMSO4+β6PMDust+j=1NβjCj Model with 6 primary PM2.5 components including OA to evaluate their independent associations
Multipollutant OA (MP OA) D=β0+{β1PMSOA+β2PMPOA}+β3PMSeaspray+β4PMSoot+β5PMNH4NO3+β6PMSO4+β7PMDust+j=1NβjCj Multipollutant composition model as in MP but with refinement of OA (OA subdivided into SOA and POA)
Multipollutant SOA (MP SOA) D=β0+β1PMSOABVOC+β2PMSOAAVOC+β3PMPOA+β4PMSeaspray+β5PMSoot+β6PMNH4NO3+β7PMSO4+β8PMDust+j=1NβjCj Multipollutant composition model as in MP OA but with refinement of SOA into SOA from oxidation of VOCs that are predominantly biogenic (BVOC) and anthropogenic (AVOC) in origin.

D, the outcome, is the age-adjusted cardiovascular and respiratory disease death rate in number of deaths per 100,000 people. By default, PMi are concentrations of component i in μg m−3 normalized to the IQR, also in μg m−3, of that pollutant. When coefficients are presented per unit mass, the IQR normalization does not occur. PM2.5 is total PM2.5 concentration. β values indicate regressed coefficients. Confounders (N = 28 by default) with values, Cj, are included in each model. Bold indicates a vector of county-level values. In MP models, brackets are placed around OA components for emphasis.