MFA of data from subjects with CVID and HC subjects. The data consist of plasma cytokines and chemokines, total and LPS-specific antibody responses, peripheral blood leukocyte immunophenotyping, and medical complications. A, Projection of individual subjects on the first 2 principal components (Dim1 and Dim2) showing clear separation of subject groups. B, Projection of variable groups on the first 2 principal components, with antibodies, lymphocyte subset percentages, and cytokines in blood correlating closely with the disease phenotype. C, Projection of individual quantitative variables on the first 2 principal components. Plasma sCD14, antibodies, and CXCL10 contribute largely to PC1 (Dim1), and CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell subsets providing the major contribution to PC2 (Dim2). All other quantitative variables are also shown on the figure; however, they contribute very little to either PC1 or PC2 and are therefore located very closely around the origin.