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. 2001 Mar;21(6):1973–1985. doi: 10.1128/MCB.21.6.1973-1985.2001


Sequencing and mapping data of 15 cDNAs isolated from the NTera2D1 library

Clone Lengtha (bp) Similarity to L1.2 5′UTRb
Similarity/identity to known gene or regionc BAC clone (accession no.) Chrd No. of exonse Promoter distancef (kb)
Region (bp) %
N1 2,181 1–163 ≡ 163–2 95 171–284—Alu AC020581 7 4 >12
345–778—Tigger2a AC009264
1882–2161—AA084761 (EST)
N4 1,205 10–211 ≡ 461–261 90 GAP-43 mRNA (NM_002045) AC021376 3 4 >50
210–324 ≡ 117–4 98 362–1205 = 122–965 AC012565
N5 1,664 1–156 ≡ 414–260 94 398–508—Alu AC010148 NDg 4 ∼1
N7 1,670 1–190 ≡ 449–260 97 192–677—Hyp protein (47%) (Q12765) AC018470 2 5 >4
N8 762 1–326 ≡ 329–5 95 339–762—L1 (M80343) ND ND ND ND
N9 1,956 1050–1632 ≡ 769–175 81 mRNA, homologue of mouse AL022400 1 9 ND
1636–1771 ≡ 146–12 90 Hh1 mRNA (AL157958) AL022171
1–64 ≡ 913–976/63–989 ≡ 1011–1847 (99%) AL021069
N10 1,930 1–450 ≡ 456–7 98 CHRM3 gene (U29589) AC015901 1 5 >62
760–1922 ≡ 183–1345 AC013517
N11 1,777 1–104 ≡ 449–346 97 103–244—FAM AC015495 3 ≥2 >15
1368–1777—AW513672 (EST)
N12 441 1–177 ≡ 434–259 93 SPT3 mRNA (AF073930) AL138880 6 ≥4 >40
176–441 ≡ 173–438 AL161905
L2 ∼2,000 1–109 ≡ 453–346 94 105–280/651–893/3′ end—L1 AC019310 4 ND ND
P1 1,687 1–194 ≡ 455–261 93 189–292—MLT AC023485 3 ≥5 >9
P2 ∼3,500 1–122 ≡ 23–142 93 5′ and 3′ ends/396–524—Alu ND ND ND ND
P3 1,818 1–221 ≡ 481–261 92 361–460/488–816/876–1320/1502–1616—MLT AC021696 >9 >7
P5 2,881 1–429 ≡ 428–1 93 OATP mRNA (U21943) AC006559 12 16 ∼60
669–2881 ≡ 1–2213 AC022224
P6 ∼3,000 3–152 ≡ 153–5 96 223–319—MLT ND ND ND ND

Complete and partial sequences (5′ and 3′ ends) of individual cDNAs are noted by exact and approximate sizes, respectively. 


Similarity between regions of cDNA and L1.2 5′UTR (accession no. M80343) determined by BLAST2 sequences comparison and indicated by ≡ sign. 


cDNA sequences similar to DNA repeats or EST sequences and identical to the corresponding regions of known genes (indicated after long dashes) are shown. Accession and ESTs numbers are indicated in parentheses. 


Chr, chromosome number determined from BAC location. 


Determined from cDNA and BAC sequence comparison using BLAST2. 


Approximate distance of the ASP from the coding sequence is shown because of gaps and unordered fragments in unfinished BACs. 


ND, not determined.