FIG. 2.
Microscopic lesions in IGB piglets orally inoculated with C. albicans. IGB piglets were orally inoculated with C. albicans and euthanized after morbidity was observed. IHC analysis of fixed tissue with antiserum directed against surface antigens of C. albicans was performed as described in Materials and Methods. (A) Ileum of IGB piglet inoculated with SC5314. Segmental colonization of the ileum with mucosal ulceration and transmural necrosis and inflammation is shown (magnification, ×40). (B) Colon of IGB piglet inoculated with SC5314. Segmental colonization of the colon with ulceration, necrosis, and inflammation is shown (×40). (C) Kidney of IGB piglet inoculated with SC5314. Focus of colonization with mild inflammation is shown (×200). (D) Liver of IGB piglet inoculated with SC5314. Focus of colonization with marked inflammation is shown (×200). (E) Large intestine of IGB piglet inoculated with CKY138. Pneumatosis intestinalis of the colon with large cysts in the gut wall is shown (×40).