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. 2021 Dec 3;12:761264. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.761264


Clinical features of the present case compared with the previously reported patients with XYLT2 variants

Present study Kausar et al. (2019) Guleray et al. (2019) Umair et al. (2017)*1,6,10
Family 1 2 3 4 5
Patient Pat. 1 Pat. 2 Pat. 1 Pat. 2 Pat. 3 Pat. 1 Pat. 2 Pat. 1 Pat. 2 Pat. 3 Pat. 4 Pat. 5 Pat. 6
Gender F M M M M F M M M F M M M
Age (years) 9 Newborn 12 9 10 10 7 21 19 16 11 9 5
Ethnicity Moroccan Pakistani Turkish Iraqi Turkish
Parental consanguinity + + + + + + + +
Variant c.1586dup p.(Thr530Hisfs*16) c.2518_2519del p.(Arg840Thrfs*115) c.2548G > A p.(Asp850Asn) c.1159C > T p.(Arg387Trp) c.2548G > C p.(Asp850His)
Prenatal history Uncomplicated pregnancy at full term Fetal malformations
Maternal diabetes
Increased nuchal translucency
Hyperechoic intestine
Uncomplicated pregnancy at full term NA NA Pregnancy at full term
No intrauterine fractures
Pregnancy at full term
No intrauterine fractures
NA NA NA NA NA Uncomplicated pregnancy with normal measurements at birth
Short stature + + + + + + + +
Low weight + + + + + + + +
Multiple fractures + + + + + NA + + + + + NA
Kyphosis + + NA + + + + + + + + +
Osteoporosis + + NA + + + + + + + + +
Cataract + + + + + + + + + + + +
Retinal detachment + + NA NA + + +
Dental problems + +
Hearing loss + + + + + +
Cardiovascular problems + + + + +
Facial dysmorphism Long and oval face
Flattened facial profile
Flattened profile with drooping cheeks
Elongated eyelid rims
Broad and flattened nasal root
Turned down corners of the mouth
Chin with horizontal crease
Low posterior hairline
Short and webbed neck
Low set ears
Shield chest
Long fingers and toes
NA NA High forehead
Short neck
Facial hypotonia
Epicanthal folds
Facial hypotonia
Facial hypotonia
Facial hypotonia Hypertelorism
Facial hypotonia
Low nasal bridge
Facial hypotonia
Low nasal bridge
Facial hypotonia
Low nasal bridge
Facial hypotonia
Long philtrum with thin upper lip
Low set ears with thick helices
Anti-helix abnormality
Preauricular pits
Ophthalmologic findings Sclerae blue NA Nystagmus
Grayish sclerae
Grayish sclerae Micropthalmia
Leucoma cornea
Phtisis bulbi
Hyperemic optic nerve
Thin retinal vessels and partially occluded
Retinal atrophy
Pigment irregularities
Band keratopathy
Congenital melanosis
Pigment irregularities
Thin retinal vessels
Pigment epithelium
Atrophy of retina
Retinal atrophy
Pigment irregularities
Nystagmus and myopia
Hyperpigmented and hypopigmented retinal areas
Thin retinal vessels
Neurodevelopmental delay Intellectual disability NA Learning difficulties Learning difficulties Learning difficulties Intellectual disability Intellectual disability/learning difficulties
Joint and skin elasticity +
Walking difficulty + NA + + NA NA NA NA NA +
Other clinical findings Short neck with pterygium
Reduction in trunk length
Severe kyphoscoliosis
Barrel chest
Diffuse hypertrichosis on the back
Overabundant skin in the retronucal area
NA NA Low posterior hairline
Short and webbed neck
Low set ears
Shield chest
Long fingers and toes
Short trunk
Mild pes planus
Varicose vein
Truncal obesity
Pes planus
Enlarged liver and spleen
Truncal obesity
Pes planus
Broadened fingertips
Pes planus
Broadened fingertips
Pes planus
Broadened fingertips
Pes planus
Broadened fingertips
Pes planus
Broadened fingertips
Pes planus
Short trunk
Other radiographic findings Platyspondyly
Thoracic deformity with secondary kyphosis
NA Platyspondyly
Increased intervertebral disk space
NA Platyspondyly Platyspondyly
Intervetebral disc space
Increased intervertebral disc space
Platyspondyly Platyspondyly
Increase in intervertebral disc space
Taylan et al. (2017) Taylan et al. (2016) Munns et al. (2015)
Family 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Patient Pat. 1 Pat. 2 Pat. 1 Pat. 2 Pat. 3 Pat. 4 Pat. 1 Pat. 2 Pat. 3
Gender F F F F M M M M M
Age (years) 7 7 8 16 7 11 14 11 19
Ethnicity Turkish Turkish Turkish Pakistani Iraqi European Australian NA
Parental consanguinity + + + + + +
Variant c.710T > G p.(Met237Arg) c.2561_2562del p.(Glu854Alafs*101) c.2188C > T p.(Arg730*) c.1687C > G p.(Arg563Gly) c.1814T > C p.(Leu605Pro) c.692dup p.(Val232Glyfs*54) c.520del p.(Ala174Profs*35)
Prenatal history Pregnancy at full term
No intrauterine fractures
Normal birth measurements
NA NA NA NA NA Born at 39 weeks NA Born prematurely 35 weeks
Short stature + + + + +
Low weight + NA NA +
Multiple fractures + + + + + + + + +
Kyphosis + + + + NA NA NA NA
Osteoporosis + + + + + NA NA NA NA
Cataract + + + + + + + + +
Retinal detachment + +
Dental problems +
Hearing loss + + + + + + + +
Cardiovascular problems + + +
Facial dysmorphism Minimal biparietal bossing
Upslanted short palpebral fissure
Prominent cheeks
Synostosis of metopic suture
NA NA NA NA Low posterior hairline
Short webbed neck
Posteriorly rotated and low set ears
Ophthalmologic findings Iris hypoplastic
Pupils irregular
Peripapillary atrophy
Hypopigmented fundus
Bilateral glaucoma
Ectropion uvea Nystagmus Amblyopia
Neurodevelopmental delay Intellectual disability Intellectual disability NA NA NA Learning difficulties Learning difficulties
Joint and skin elasticity +
Walking difficulty NA NA NA NA NA + +
Other clinical findings Pectus excavatum Pectus excavatum Aggressive behavior Translucent appearing teeth Spontaneous fracture of teeth Pectus carinatum Lymphedema of lower extremities
Perforated duodenal ulcer
Pes planus pectus carinatum, shield chest
Long finger
Overriding second and third toes
Dilated ureters
Pes planus Pes planus
Mild left hemiplegia
Other radiographic findings Short spine Short trunk
Platyspondyly Increased disc space
Anterior wedge deformity
Biconcave appearance of the vertebral and plates
Short spine Thin cortices of hand and wrist Thin cortices of hand and wrist

NA, not available; M, male; F, female; +, present; −, absent. *Patients described by Schmidt et al. (2001) and Alanay et al. (2006).