(A and B) Concentration-response curves for PTHWT, LA-PTH, and PTH7d in cAMP accumulation (A) or in β-arr1 or β-arr2 recruitment (B) assays. Data are means ± SEM from N = 5 independent experiments.
(C) Time course and integrated response of β-arr2 recruitment measured by FRET in HEK293 cells transiently expressing PTHRCFP and β-arr2YFP following brief stimulation with 10 nM PTHWT or PTH7d. Data are means ± SEM from N = 3 independent experiments with n = 28–33 cells per experiment. ***, P < 0.005 by t-test.
(D) Recruitment of endogenous β-arr1 and β-arr2 (βarr1/2) to PTHR detected by coimmunoprecipitation with HA-tagged PTHR (HAPTHR) stably expressed in HEK293 cells. Cells were challenged with 100 nM of either PTHWT, LAPTH, or PTH7d. Blot is representative of 2 independent experiments.