A. The percentage of CD41a+ CD42c+ bone marrow MKs were measured by flow cytometric analysis in Mir-99b/let-7e/125a −/− or littermates (n=4 each group). B. Ploidy analysis of ex vivo cultured bone marrow MKs at day 5, detected by propidium iodide staining. Total percentage of CD41a+ propidium iodide positive MKs representing 2n, 4n, 8n, 16n, 32n and 64n ploidy were plotted for Mir-99b/let-7e/125a −/− or littermate mice (n=3 each). Sub-2n and apoptotic cells were gated out in this analysis. C. Representative transmission electron microscopic images showing ex vivo cultured bone marrow derived MK for Mir-99b/let-7e/125a −/− or littermate mice (n=3). D. Proplatelet formation assay for ex vivo cultured MKs isolated from femurs of Mir-99b/let7e/125a −/− or littermates (n=3 each). Quantification was done blinded to the treatment. Schematic representation shows experimental design for generating Mir-99b/let7e/125a cluster mice that were flanked with loxP sites.