Fig. 1. OLR1 expression is high in colon cancer tissues.
A Venn map of upregulated genes in GSE10950, GSE41328, and GSE75970, which obtained 45 overlapping genes. B Protein interaction network of 45 overlapping genes and 50 important genes of colon cancer from MalaCards. Circles represented intersecting genes and triangles represented genes obtained by MalaCards. The redder the color of the gene image, the higher the degree of core. Conversely, the bluer the color, the lower the degree of core. C The box diagram of the expression of OLR1 in GSE10950 (control n = 24; tumor n = 24). D The box diagram of the expression of OLR1 in GSE41328 (control n = 24; tumor n = 24). E The box diagram of the expression of OLR1 in GSE75970 (control n = 24; tumor n = 24). The blue box indicated the expression of normal samples, and the red box indicated the expression of tumor samples. F GEPIA to analyze TCGA clinical data to draw the curve between OLR1 expression and colon cancer survival. G RT-qPCR to detect the expression of OLR1 mRNA in colon cancer tissues and adjacent normal tissues (adjacent tissues: n = 120; tumor tissues: n = 120). H The expression of LOX-1 protein in colon cancer tissues and adjacent normal tissues detected by immunohistochemistry (adjacent tissues: n = 120; tumor tissues: n = 120; ×500). I Kaplan-Meier curve of the relationship between OLR1 and survival in patients with colon cancer. *p < 0.05 between two groups.