Time window selection of significant deflections in average stimulus-evoked responses at the spatial location of maximum response amplitude. The trial- and subject-averaged activity is displayed from 500 ms pre-stimulus to 1000 ms post-stimulus. Vertical dotted lines denote the point of stimulus application, solid grey lines are the individual infant (trial-averaged) responses, and the subject-averaged response is superimposed in black. The pink shaded regions denote the statistically significant temporal window spanning a positive or negative deflection in the evoked responses, identified using temporal cluster analysis. Visual–evoked responses at Oz have a significant cluster in the window 0–231 ms (top left), tactile-evoked responses at Cz have a significant cluster in the window 76–218 ms (top right), and noxious-evoked responses at Cz have a significant cluster in the window 426–800 ms (bottom left). No significant cluster was identified for the auditory-evoked responses clusters at T3 (bottom right). For each stimulus modality, heat maps display the corresponding spatial distribution of the average EEG activity for each period showing a significant cluster. No heatmap is shown for the auditory stimulus as no significant clusters were identified. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)