Longitudinal assessment of age-related developmental changes in stimulus-evoked response template magnitudes. (A) Correlations between template magnitudes and PMA, assessed at the dominant electrode (Oz for visual, Cz for tactile and noxious) using the template analysis approach developed in an independent cohort. Correlations were assessed using linear random effects models. Dotted lines indicate each infant’s trajectory plotted in a different colour, with the overall regression line in solid black. The dashed horizontal line denotes the point of zero magnitude. R2 is the regression coefficient of variation (proportion of variance explained), and p is the associated p-value. The triangle markers below the horizontal zero line of the noxious response plot indicate instances of stimulus-evoked delta brush responses. (B) Heat maps display the developmentally changing spatial patterns of the stimulus-evoked deflections, for qualitative assessment across age groups. The timeseries display the templates (in red) superimposed onto the average EEG response (black) 500 ms pre-stimulus and 1000 ms post-stimulus for qualitative assessment of developmentally changing template magnitudes across age groups. Colour bar indicates the template magnitude. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)