Experimental design and effect of SGL5213 on gut fluid and glucose of normal and renal failure mice. (a) Mice were divided into four subgroups: (1) a control group (Control), (2) an SDL5213 (100 mg/kg)‐bolus treated control group (SGL5213), (3) an adenine‐induced renal failure group (RF), and (4) an SGL5213 (100 mg/kg)‐bolus treated RF group (RF + S). Mice were administered a 10 mg/kg glucose with or without bolus of 100 mg/kg SGL5213 or vehicle (dH2O) in a 100 μl volume after 20–22 h of fasting. (b) Plasma glucose, intestinal fluid, and intestinal total glucose in normal mice. Control: normal group (n = 8); SGL5213: Normal diet treated with SGL5213 (100 mg/kg/day) group (n = 8–9 each). Statistical analyses were performed using a Student‐t test. *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.01 were treated as statistically significant. (c) Plasma glucose, intestinal fluid, and intestinal total glucose in renal failure mice. RF: renal failure group (n = 8); RF + S: RF treated with SGL5213 (100 mg/kg/day) group (n = 8–9 each). Data were mean ± SEM. Data were mean ± SEM. Statistical analyses were performed using a Student‐t test. *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.01 were treated as statistically significant. (d) Mice were divided into three subgroups: (1) a control normal diet group (Control), (2) an adenine‐induced uremic renal failure group (RF), and (3) an SGL5213 (10 mg/kg/day)‐treated RF group (RF + S). (e) Body weight was measured weekly. Food and water intake were measured every other day