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. 2021 Dec 6;12:758706. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.758706

Table 2.

Assistive devices used in lying, sitting and standing by adults at GMFCS I to V.

(n = 330) (n = 323) (n = 235) (n = 298) (n = 361) (n = 1,547)
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Assistive devices in lying 15 4% 47 15% 79 34% 183 61% 332 92% 656 42%
    Cushions, positioning rolls 11 3% 26 8% 43 18% 105 35% 290 80% 475 31%
    Adjustable bed 4 1% 22 7% 47 20% 143 48% 282 78% 498 32%
Assistive devices in sitting 16 5% 99 31% 200 85% 298 100% 360 100% 973 63%
    Moulded seating 0 0% 0 0% 6 3% 45 15% 170 47% 221 14%
    Tilt in space wheelchair 0 0% 7 2% 30 13% 130 44% 277 77% 444 29%
    Wheelchair no tilt 0 0% 48 15% 157 67% 190 64% 43 12% 438 28%
    Adaptive seating 16 5% 70 22% 101 43% 88 30% 50 14% 322 21%
Assistive devices in standing 0 0% 7 2% 59 25% 181 61% 254 70% 501 32%
    Standing frame/tilt board 0 0% 6 2% 44 19% 109 37% 181 50% 340 22%
    HKAFO 0 0% 0 0% 10 4% 45 15% 135 37% 190 12%
    Standing wheelchair 0 0% 3 1% 21 9% 58 20% 23 6% 105 7%

GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification System; HKAFO, an individually molded rigid bilateral hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis.