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. 2021 Feb;28(1):123–133. doi: 10.1177/1553350620964323

Table 1.

Benefits and Risks of Surgical Approach (Robot-Assisted, Conventional Laparoscopic, and Open Surgeries) under COVID-19 Times.

Area of Risk Robot-Assisted Surgery Conventional Laparoscopy Open Surgery
Aerosol escape Intra-abdominal dispersion, limited by filters or locks (no data on actual COVID-19 risk) Intra-abdominal dispersion, limited by filters or locks (no data on actual COVID-19 risk) Less aerosol formation, unconfined dispersion, unfiltered. Only present, but then unfiltered, and with maximal exposure, when using electrical and especially ultrasonic devices (no data on actual COVID-19 in risk)
Smoke Confined, filtered, and less than at open surgery Confined, filtered, and less than at open surgery Maximum exposure to smoke
Blood, body fluids Hardly if any blood loss and exposure at limited intervals Hardly if any blood loss and exposure at limited intervals More blood loss and constant exposure
Abdominal pressure Minimal pressure (less than at conventional laparoscopy). Less than 10 mmHg 10-15 mmHg No abdominal pressure (0 mmHg)
Perioperative cleaning of instruments Large surface of robot to disinfect, but limited number of instruments to clean of limited blood contamination Limited number of instruments to clean of limited blood contamination Only instrument to clean but these in large number and severely contaminated with blood
Health care staff Usually 1 staff at the bedside, 1 staff away from the patient (remote) Usually 3 staff at the bedside Usually 3 staff at the bedside
Hospital stay Short Short Long

Source. Adapted from Kimmig et al40 and Society of European Gynaecological Surgery.41