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. 2021 Dec 7;118(50):e2021925118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2021925118

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

We compare learning in two network models, a point neuron model with somatic balance, and a model with dendritic balance. (A) In the model with SB, neurons (gray circles) with outputs z receive feedforward network inputs x (white circles) and are coupled via recurrent connections. Recurrent weights W are adapted to balance other inputs to the somatic membrane potential uj, which ensures an efficient spike encoding. (B) In our proposed model with DB, neurons receive inputs at specific dendritic compartments. Recurrent connections learn to balance input currents locally at the dendrites. This leads to dendritic potentials uji that are proportional to the coding error for specific feedforward inputs and therefore can be used to learn feedforward weights. (C) After learning, local feedforward (red) and recurrent (blue) currents have adapted to tightly balance each other in individual dendritic compartments (Bottom). This dendritic balance also results in a somatic balance of inputs (Top). Here we show a neuron from a network with 80 neurons coding for natural images. (D) In both models a rapid compensatory mechanism ensures that every neuron fires with rate ρ. If any neuron spikes too rarely, its threshold Tj is lowered; if it spikes too often, Tj is increased. (E–H) Illustration of learning rules in terms of experimental STDP rules. For easier interpretability we plot weight changes for spiking inputs xi, whereas in the remainder of this paper, xi are analog input signals. (E) For learning feedforward weights in the point neuron model (SB) a Hebbian-like STDP rule increases or decreases weights Fji depending on the time difference between pre- and postsynaptic spikes Δtj and the weight Fji itself. If Fji is high or low, this shifts plasticity toward depression or potentiation, respectively. The same learning rule applies to the DB model, if a neuron does not simultaneously receive any recurrent input. (F–H) Illustration of how inhibition modulates feedforward plasticity in the proposed model for a network of two coding neurons zj (with one dendritic compartment) and zk and one input neuron xi. (F) The excitatory weight Fij and the inhibitory weight Wjki attach to the same dendritic potential uji. (G) We consider the following example where three spikes are fired: xi at t = 0, zj at t=Δtj, and zk at t=Δtk. (H) The total change in the weight Fji depends not only on the spike time difference Δtj between the input and the postsynaptic neuron, but also on the relative inhibitory spike time Δtk. In general, if zj and zk spike close together, Fji will tend to be depressed. All weight changes were calculated with Fji=Wjki=0.5.