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. 2021 Dec 20;57(1):177. doi: 10.1186/s41983-021-00436-8

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics of the respondents (N = 190)

Variable N % p value
 Male 87 45.8 0.812
 Female 103 54.2
Age—mean (SD) 44.84 16.14 0.687
BMI—mean (SD) 24.17 4.04 0.516
Marriage status
 Single/divorced 56 29.5 1
 Married 134 70.5
 Entrepreneur 60 31.6 0.228
 Government worker 20 10.5
 Healthcare worker 12 6.3
 Housewife 19 10
 Religious leader 9 4.7
 Student/Jobless/Retired 44 23.2
 Teaching staff 26 13.7
Monthly expenses
  < Rp. 1,416.000 25 13.2 0.273
 Rp. 1,416,001–2,128,000 40 21.1
 Rp. 2,128,001–4,800,00 88 46.3
 Rp. 4,800,001–24,000,000 35 18.3
  > Rp. 24,000,000 2 1.1
Highest education attained
 D3 or equivalent 12 6.3 0.265
 Bacherlor’s/Master’s/Doctoral degree 106 55.8
 Primary school or equivalent 12 6.3
 Secondary school or equivalent 10 5.3
 High school or equivalent 44 23.1
 No formal education 3 1.6
 Did not finish primary school 3 1.6
COVID-19 impact on occupation and income
 Income rises 2 1.1 0.344
 Income drops by 50% 45 23.7
 No changes 47 24.7
 Currently not working 96 50.5
Are there any close relatives that come in close contact with COVID-19 patients?
 No 155 81.6 0.213
 Not sure 15 7.9
 Yes 20 10.5
Who lives with you?
 Full family members 35 18.4 0.158
 Some of the family members 88 46.3
 With my wife/husband only 46 24.2
 Alone 21 11.1
Are there any kids in your house?
 No 90 47.4 0.777
 Yes 100 52.6
How many kids do you have? (n = 100)
 1 36 36 0.274
 2 41 41
  > 3 23 23
Have you done any COVID-19 tests before?
 No 107 56.3 0.048
 Yes 83 43.7
How many times have you done COVID-19 tests?
 1 42 22.1 0.08
 2–5 34 17.9
 5–10 4 2.1
  > 10 3 1.6
 Never 107 56.3
 Yes 25 13.2 0.755
 No 165 86.8
Who registered you for the vaccination?
 Myself 109 57.4 0.365
 Family members 40 21
 Close friend/Neighbor 41 21.6
Do you have any history of mental disorders?
 No 186 97.9 0.434
 Yes 4 2.1
Do you smoke?
 No 171 90 0.027
 Yes 15 7.8
 Have stopped < 5 years 2 1.1
 Have stopped ≥ 5 years 2 1.1
Health insurance
 National state insurance 134 70.5 0.167
 Private 5 2.6
 Both 36 18.9
 No health insurance 15 8