Binding site and model of N6 with AKT1 (A) Overview of the docked pose between the N6 and binding pocket to the active site of Akt1 (B) The close view of the interaction between N6 and the active site of Akt1 (C) In the analyzed result of the aromatic ring edges or faces, the negative values (blue) correspond to the edges of aromatic rings, whereas the positive values (orange) correspond to the faces of aromatic rings (D) In the analyzed result of the hydrophobicity, the negative values (blue) correspond to hydrophilic residues, whereas the positive values (brown) correspond to hydrophobic residues (E) In the analyzed result of the hydrogen bond, the negative values (green) correspond to hydrogen bond acceptors, whereas the positive values (magenta) correspond to hydrogen bond donors (F) In the analyzed result of the ionizability, the negative values (red) correspond to acidic residues, whereas the positive values (blue) correspond to basic residues (G) In the analyzed result of the atomic charge, values less than −0.1 are mapped in red, and values larger than +0.1 are mapped in blue (H) In the analyzed result of the solvent accessibility surface, small values (green) correspond to buried residues, whereas large values (blue) correspond to exposed residues.