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. 2021 May 27;19(6):787–812. doi: 10.2174/1570159X18666200831160627

Table 3.

Studies designing inorganic nanoparticles for GBM treatment and their main characteristics.

Nanosystem Composition Surface Modification Size (nm) Therapeutic Molecule/Drug In vitro Model In vivo model Route of Administration Refs.
SiO2 NP SiO2 Citrate, L-serine 20 and 100 nm - U373MG cells - - [126]
ZnO NP ZnO L-arginine 20 and 100 nm - U373MG cells - - [126]
ZnO NP ZnO - ~ 200 nm long - T98G - - [127]
ZnO NP ZnO Albumin, fibrinogen, and apo-transferrin 220-1494 nm - U373MG cells - - [128]
Au NP Au - 10-60 nm - U87 cells - - [147]
Ag/AgCl NP Ag - 2-22 nm - GBM02 - - [129]
Ag NP Ag - 70 nm - U87MG - - [130]
CMXGAuNPs Au carboxymethyl xantham gum 8-10 nm DOX LN-229 - - [134]
AuNP Au Citrate 15 nm - U251 cells Orthotopic mouse brain tumor model Intratumorally [135]
Ag NP Ag Citrate 25 nm - U251 cells Orthotopic mouse brain tumor model Intratumorally [135]
IO NO Iron oxide Cetuximab 10 nm - U87-EGFRvIII orthotopic xenografts model in Athymic nude mice Convection-enhanced delivery [136]
Pt/TiO2 NP TiO2, Pt - 10 nm - - Intraperitoneal xenograft model in Wistar rats Intraperitoneal [125]
AuNPs Au Cetuximab 2.4 nm - U87 MG - - [148]
MSNP PEG, GO PEG, IL-13 DOX U251 - - [149]
MSNP Si - 140 nm DOX, CPT U87MG - - [142]
MSNP Si PEI-cRGD 20-80 nm DOX U87, U251, and C6 - - [140]
MSNP Si RGD 136 nm BSeC U87, C6 - - [141]
MSNP Si NGR 70 nm TMZ C6 - - [146]
MSNP Si - 180 nm CUR U87MG - - [143]
MSNP MPEG, Si RGD 148 nm DOX U87MG - - [150]
- - - 5-15 nm - LN229 - -

Abbreviations: SiO2NP – Silicon dioxide nanoparticles; ZnONP – Zinc oxide nanoparticles; AuNP – gold nanoparticles; PEG – polyethyleneglycol; IL-13 – interleukin 13; PEI-cRGD - poly(ether imide)-cricoids Arg-Gly-Asp- Phe-Lys; DOX – doxorubicin; CPT – camptothecin; TMZ – temozolomide; CUR – curcumin.