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. 2021 Dec 20;16:119. doi: 10.1186/s13000-021-01179-z

Table 1.

List of reported cases in literature of primitive ovarian PMP associated with teratoma

Number of reported cases Age at diagnosis Laterality / size of ovarian tumor Histological type of mucinous ovarian tumor Immunohistochemical profile of mucinous ovarian tumor Percentage and composition of teratomatous elements Appendix examination Therapeutic strategy Follow-up data Bibliographical reference
3 35 right / 22 cm borderline with focal cystadenocarcinoma CK7-, CK20+ 4%, squamous epithelium and adnexal glands Ma and Mi: normal cytoreductive surgery death after disease progresion at 49 mo [28] Ronnett et al. Am J Surg Pathol. 2003.
81 left / 7 cm cystadenoma CK7-, CK20+ 8%, squamous epithelium and sebaceous glands Ma and Mi: normal cytoreductive surgery survival without relapse at 54 mo
89 left / 15 cm borderline CK7-, CK20+ 11%, squamous epithelium and cartilage Ma and Mi: normal cytoreductive surgery survival without relapse at 48 mo
1 39 left / 14 cm cystadenoma CK7-, CK20+ low, squamous epithelium and adnexal glands Ma and Mi: normal cytoreductive surgery survival without relapse at 6 mo [29] Pranesh et al. J Clin Pathol. 2005.
1 67 left / 20 cm borderline CK7-, CK20+ low, dermoid cyst NA (appendicectomy 42 years ago) cytoreductive surgery survival without relapse at 6 mo [30] Marquette et al. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2006.
2 38 left / 14 cm borderline CK7-, CK20+ 5–10%, squamous epithelium and adnexal glands Ma and Mi: normal cytoreductive surgery survival without relapse at 24 mo [31] Stewart et al. Pathology. 2006.
58 right / 16.5 cm borderline CK7-, CK20+ 5–10%, squamous epithelium and adnexal glands Ma and Mi: normal cytoreductive surgery survival without relapse at 21 mo
1 45 left / 12 cm cystadenocarcinoma NA low, squamous epithelial and sebaceous glands Ma and Mi: normal cytoreductive surgery NA [32] Mandal et al. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2008.
10 57 NA / NA cystadenoma CK7-, CK20+ (88%) CK7+, CK20- (13%) low, squamous epithelium and adnexal glands, more or less other mature tissues Ma and Mi: normal cytoreductive surgery NA [33] McKenney et al. Am J Surg Pathol. 2008.
36 NA / 25 cm borderline Ma and Mi: normal NA
54 NA / 14 cm borderline Ma and Mi: normal survival without relapse at 24 mo
41 NA / 25 cm borderline NA NA
42 NA / 7 cm borderline Ma and Mi: normal survival without relapse at 27 mo
47 NA / 20 cm borderline Ma and Mi: normal survival without relapse at 23 mo
28 NA / 22 cm borderline Ma and Mi: normal survival without relapse at 61 mo
48 NA / NA cystadenocarcinoma NA metastases to omentum and pelvic serosa at 29 mo
21 NA / NA cystadenocarcinoma NA died of other disease at 6 mo
56 NA / NA cystadenocarcinoma Ma and Mi: normal metastases to omentum, small bowel serosa and mesentery at diagnosis
2 46 right / 15 cm borderline CK7+, CK20+ NA, squamous epithelium and bone Ma and Mi: normal cytoreductive surgery NA [34] Hwang et al. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2009.
28 left / 40 cm cystadenoma focally borderline NA, squamous epithelium and adnexa Ma without Mi: normal cytoreductive surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy NA
1 43 right / NA borderline CK7+, CK20- NA, squamous epithelium Ma and Mi: chronic appendicitis cytoreductive surgery survival without relapse at 6 mo [35] Mohtaram et al. Pan Afr Med J. 2013.
1 45 right / 29 cm borderline CK7+, CK20- skin and adnexa Ma and Mi: normal cytoreductive surgery NA [36] Choi et al. Pathology. 2016.
3 75 left / NA borderline CK7+, CK20+ NA Ma and Mi: appendicitis cytoreductive surgery survival without relapse at 25 mo [37] Yan et al. Cancer Manag Res. 2020.
45 right / NA borderline with focal cystadenocarcinoma CK7+, CK20+ NA Ma and Mi: appendicitis cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC survival with disease at 30 mo
53 bilateral / NA cystadenocarcinoma CK7-, CK20+ NA Ma and Mi: appendicitis cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC survival with disease at 29 mo
1 25 left / 8.4 cm ruptured appendiceal-like mucocele associated with LAMN in an ovarian teratoma CK7+, CK20+ skin and pilosebaceous annexes, serous and mucinous glands, respiratory epithelium, adipose tissue and smooth muscle and colonic wall Ma and Mi: normal cytoreductive surgery survival without relapse at 5 mo Present case report
total: 26 cases mean age at diagnosis: 47.8

Ma macroscopic, Mi microscopic, mo months, NA Not Available, HIPEC Hyperthermic IntraPEritoneal Chemotherapy

Cytoreductive surgery relying on hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, appendicectomy and omentectomy