Table 2. Level of Knowledge of Pharmacotherapy of Fragile X Syndrome Among Medical Students in Serbia, Georgia, and Colombia.
Correct answers, N (%) |
Question (1-7) related to: | Serbia | Georgia | Colombia | χ² | p |
1. Treatment of ADHDa in FXSb | 91 (26.15) | 42 (37.50) | 19 (32.76) | 5.63 | 0.600 |
2. Treatment of sleep problems in FXS | 112 (32.18) | 78 (69.64) | 26 (44.83) | 49.17 | <.0001* |
3. Use of alpha-adrenergic agonists in FXS | 53 (15.23) | 18 (16.07) | 8 (13.79) | 0.02 | 0.926 |
4. Use of guanfacine in FXS | 151 (43.39) | 63 (56.25) | 36 (62.07) | 10.60 | 0.005* |
5. Use of SSRIc in FXS | 90 (25.86) | 38 (33.93) | 18 (31.03) | 2.99 | 0.225 |
6. Treatment of anxiety in FXS | 78 (22.41) | 45 (40.18) | 37 (63.79) | 45.65 | <.0001* |
7. Treatment of aggressive behavior in FXS | 111 (31.89) | 33 (29.46) | 24 (41.38) | 2.61 | 0.271 |
Abbreviation: aAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; bfragile X syndrome; cSelective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors; χ²: value of Chi-square test; *statistically significant p value: p<0.05.