Fig. 5.
The RAxML consensus tree inferred from the combined F. sambucinum species complex tef1, rpb2 (parts 1 and 2), rpb1 and cmdA sequence alignment. Thickened lines indicate branches with full support (RAxML & IQ-TREE bootstrap = 100 %; PP = 1.0) with support values of other branches indicated at the branches (RAxML > 74 % / IQ-TREE > 84 % / PP > 0.74). The tree is rooted to Neocosmospora solani (CBS 140079, ex-epitype culture). The scale bar indicates the number of expected changes per site. The Fusarium sambucinum species complex is indicated on the right and highlighted with a coloured block. Species clades containing the novel citizen science strains (in bold) are highlighted with coloured blocks.