Figure 2. Infected cells express MEDLE2-HA across the parasite life cycle.
(A) 200,000 MEDLE2-HA-tdNeon transgenic parasites were used to infect HCT-8 cells and fixed at intervals across a 72 hr time period. Data shown are representative images from triplicate coverslips processed for immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Red, hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged protein; green, parasites (mNeon); blue, Hoechst. (B, C) Quantification of MEDLE2-expressing cells (red) versus intracellular parasites (blue) for 3695 host cells evaluated across a 72 hr time course. 20 fields of view quantified using ImageJ to identify host cells and parasites (B). The percentage of cell exhibiting MEDLE2-HA and mNeon staining is constant across the time course with a cumulative 94 ± 1.83% (mean ± SD) (C). (D) HCT-8 cultures infected with MEDLE2-HA parasites were fixed for IFA at 48 hr when sexual life stages were present. Cells were stained with stage-specific antibodies for female (COWP1) and male (α- tubulin), demonstrating MEDLE2 is exported across the parasite life cycle. Red, HA-tagged protein; green, parasites (stage-specific antibody); blue, Hoechst. (E) IFA of cryosections from the small intestine of Ifng-/- mice infected with MEDLE2-HA-tdNeon C. parvum (images representative of samples from three mice). Red, HA-tagged protein; green, parasites (tdNeon); blue, Hoechst; gray, Phalloidin (actin).