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. 2021 Dec 6;10:e70451. doi: 10.7554/eLife.70451

Key resources table.

Reagent type (species) or resource Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional information
Gene (Cryptosporidium parvum) MEDLE2 Li et al., 2017 cgd5_4590
Gene (C. parvum) MEDLE1 Fei et al., 2018 cgd5_4580
Gene (C. parvum) MEDLE6 This paper cgd6_5490 Named according to the spatial localization in the genome similarly to MEDLE2 and MEDLE1
Gene (C. parvum) WYLE4 This paper cgd8_3560 Named for the gene family and according to the spatial localization in the genome
Gene (C. parvum) SKSR7 This paper Cgd8_30 Named for the gene family and according to the spatial localization in the genome
Strain, strain background (C. parvum) C. parvum oocysts, IOWAII strain (WT) Bunchgrass
Strain, strain background (Mus musculus) Ifng-/-, C57BL/6J The Jackson Laboratory Jax 002287;
Strain, strain background (M. musculus) Ddit3 tm2.1Dron The Jackson Laboratory Jax 005530;
Strain, strain background (M. musculus) C57BL/6J The Jackson Laboratory Jax 000664;
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) MEDLE2-HA This paper cgd5_4590 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing HA
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) WYLE4-HA This paper cgd8_3570 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing HA
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) SKSR7-HA This paper cgd8_30 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing HA
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) MEDLE2 KO This paper Cgd5_4590 Stable transgenic parasite line with one copy of MEDLE2 knocked out
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) MEDLE1-HA This paper cgd5_4580 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing HA
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) MEDLE6-HA This paper cgd6_5490 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing HA
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) Medle2 MEDLE1-HA This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing HA
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) MEDLE2-HA-tdNeon This paper cgd5_4590 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing HA and tdNeon
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) MEDLE2-mScarlet This paper cgd5_4590 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing mScarlet
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) MEDLE2-Bla-2A-tdTomato This paper cgd5_4590 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing BLA and tdTomato
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) MEDLE2-Cre This paper cgd5_4590 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing Cre recombinase
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) Ectopic MEDLE2-HA This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing extra copy of MEDLE2
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) ΔSP This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing extra copy of MEDLE2 (aa 21–209)
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) KDVSLI/6A This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing extra copy of MEDLE2 with KDVSLI (aa 31–36) mutated to six alanines
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) KPVLKN/6A This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing extra copy of MEDLE2 with KPVLKN (aa 73–78) mutated to six alanines
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) KNVNLS/6A This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing extra copy of MEDLE2 with KDVSLI (aa 77–82) mutated to six alanines
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) RGLLRGLSG/9A This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing extra copy of MEDLE2 with KDVSLI (aa 191–199) mutated to six alanines
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) K31A This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing extra copy of MEDLE2 with K31 mutated to alanine
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) D32A This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing extra copy of MEDLE2 with D32 mutated to alanine
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) V33A This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing extra copy of MEDLE2 with V33 mutated to alanine
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) S34A This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing extra copy of MEDLE2 with S34 mutated to alanine
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) L35A This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing extra copy of MEDLE2 with L35 mutated to alanine
Genetic reagent (C. parvum) I36A This paper cgd5_4440 modified Stable transgenic parasite line expressing extra copy of MEDLE2 with I36 mutated to alanine
Cell line (human) HCT-8 ATCC CCL-224;
Cell line (human) HEK293T ATCC CRL-3216;
Cell line (Escherichia coli) GC5 Genesee
42-653 Electrocompetent cells
Cell line (E. coli) One Shot
Invitrogen C404003 Electrocompetent cells
Transfected construct (human) loxP GFP/RFP color switch lentivirus GenTarget Inc Cat#: LVP460-Neo Transfected construct (human)
Biological sample (M. musculus) Isolated sections of ileum Ifng-/- mice Jax 002287;
6-week-old male mice
Antibody Anti-HA (rat monoclonal) MilliporeSigma Cat# 11867431001; RRID:AB_390919 IF (1:500), WB (1:500), IHC (1:500)
Antibody Anti-Cp23 (mouse monoclonal) LS Bio Cat# LS-C137378; RRID:AB_10947007 IF (1:100)
Antibody Anti-alpha tubulin (mouse monoclonal) Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank Cat#12G10; RRID:AB_1157911 IF (1:1000)
Antibody Anti-COWP1 (rat monoclonal) This paper, produced by GenScript This paper IF (1:100)
Antibody Anti-neomycin phosphotransferase II (rabbit polyclonal) MilliporeSigma Millipore Cat# 06-747; RRID:AB_310234 WB (1:1000)
Antibody Anti-mouse IFN gamma Bio X Cell Clone: XMG1.2;
Cat# BE0055; RRID:AB_1107694
In vivo 100 µg
Antibody Goat anti-rat polyclonal Alexa Fluor 594 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# A-21213; RRID:AB_2535799 IFA (1:500)
Antibody Goat anti-mouse polyclonal Alexa Fluor 488 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# A-11001; RRID:AB_2534069 IFA (1:500)
Strain, strain background Alexa Fluor 647 Phalloidin Thermo Fisher Scientific A22287;
IFA (1:1000)
Antibody IRDye 800CW goat anti-rat IgG LI-COR 926-32219;
WB (1:10,000)
Antibody IRDye 680RD goat anti-rabbit IgG LI-COR 926-68071;
WB (1:10,000)
Recombinant DNA reagent Cas9 cgd5_4590 (plasmid) This paper Guide targeting C terminus of MEDLE2
Recombinant DNA reagent Cas9 cgd8_3560 (plasmid) This paper Guide targeting C terminus of WYLE4
Recombinant DNA reagent Cas9 cgd8_30 (plasmid) This paper Guide targeting C terminus of SKSR7
Recombinant DNA reagent Cas9 cgd5_4580 (plasmid) This paper Guide targeting C terminus of MEDLE1
Recombinant DNA reagent Cas9 Cgd6_5490 (plasmid) This paper Guide targeting C terminus of MEDLE6
Recombinant DNA reagent Cas9 Tk guide int (plasmid) Tandel et al., 2019 Guide targeting internal cgd5_4440
Recombinant DNA reagent Cas9 MEDLE2
KO (plasmid)
This paper Guide targeting internal MEDLE2
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic HA
This paper Crypto expression vector for HA tagging
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic tdTomato
KO (plasmid)
This paper Crypto expression vector for replacing gene KO with tdTomato
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic medle2-MEDLE1 HA (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector with medle2 promoter driving MEDLE1-HA expression
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic HA-2A-
This paper Crypto expression vector for HA tagging and cytoplasmic tdNeon
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic mScarlet (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector for mScarlet tagging
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic Bla-2A-TdTomato
This paper Crypto expression vector for BLA tagging and cytoplasmic tdTomato
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic Cre
This paper Crypto expression vector for Cre tagging
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic Extra
MEDLE2-HA (plasmid)
This paper Crypto expression vector for extra copy of MEDLE2-HA (MEDLE2 promoter)
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic ΔSP MEDLE2-HA (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector for extra copy of MEDLE2-HA (aa 21–209)
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic KDVSLI/6A-HA (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector for extra copy of MEDLE2-HA with KDVSLI (aa 31–36) mutated to six alanines
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic KPVLKN/6A-HA (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector for extra copy of MEDLE2-HA with KPVLKN (aa 73–78) mutated to six alanines
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic KNVNLS/6A-HA (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector for extra copy of MEDLE2-HA with KNVNLS (aa 77–82) mutated to six alanines
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic RGLLRGLSG/9A-HA (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector for extra copy of MEDLE2-HA with RGLLRGLS (aa 191–199) mutated to six alanines
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic K31A-HA (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector for extra copy of MEDLE2-HA with K31 mutated to alanine
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic D32A-HA (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector for extra copy of MEDLE2-HA with D32 mutated to alanine
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic V33A-HA (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector for extra copy of MEDLE2-HA with V33 mutated to alanine
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic S34A-HA (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector for extra copy of MEDLE2-HA with S34 mutated to alanine
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic L35A-HA (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector for extra copy of MEDLE2-HA with L35 mutated to alanine
Recombinant DNA reagent Lic I36A-HA (plasmid) This paper Crypto expression vector for extra copy of MEDLE2-HA with I36 mutated to alanine
Recombinant DNA reagent mEGFP-Lifeact-7 (plasmid) Addgene # 54610 Used as a mammalian expression vector to clone codon optimized MEDLE2 into
Recombinant DNA reagent GFP-only This paper Removed Lifeact domain from Addgene plasmid #54610 for a GFP-only control plasmid
Recombinant DNA reagent Recod MEDLE2-GFP (plasmid) This paper Human codon optimized MEDLE2 (aa 21–209) with a GFP tag
Recombinant DNA reagent GRA16-GFP This paper T. gondii GRA16 (aa 24–505) with GFP tag.
Recombinant DNA reagent Recod MEDLE2-HA (plasmid) This paper Human codon optimized MEDLE2 (aa 21–209) with a HA tag.
Recombinant DNA reagent Recod KDVSLI/6A-HA (plasmid) This paper Human codon optimized MEDLE2 (aa 21–209) with a HA tag and KDVSLI (aa 31–36) mutated to six alanines
Recombinant DNA reagent Recod KPVLKN/6A-HA (plasmid) This paper Human codon optimized MEDLE2 (aa 21–209) with a HA tag and KPVLKN (aa 73–78) mutated to six alanines
Recombinant DNA reagent Recod KNVNLS/6A-HA (plasmid) This paper Human codon optimized MEDLE2 (aa 21–209) with a HA tag and KNVNLS (aa 77–82) mutated to six alanines
Recombinant DNA reagent Recod RGLLRGLSG/9A-HA (plasmid) This paper Human codon optimized MEDLE2 (aa 21–209) with a HA tag and RGLLRGLS (aa 191–199) mutated to six alanines
Recodonized MEDLE2 Integrated DNA Technologies MEDLE2 (aa 21–209) codon optimized for human expressionSee Supplementary file 1 for sequence
PCR primers This paper Please see Supplementary file 1
Commercial assay or kit DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit QIAGEN Cat# 69504
Commercial assay or kit ZymoPureII Plasmid Maxiprep Kit Zymo Research Cat# 11-555B
Commercial assay or kit Nano-Glo Luciferase Assay System Promega Cat# N1130
Commercial assay or kit SF Cell Line 4D X Kit L Lonza Cat# V4XC-2024
Commercial assay or kit LiveBLAzer FRET-B/G Loading Kit Thermo Fisher Cat# K1095
Commercial assay or kit ZeroBlunt TopoTA Kit Invitrogen Cat# 450245
Commercial assay or kit RNeasy Microkit QIAGEN Cat# 74004
Commercial assay or kit SMART cDNA synthesis kit Takara Cat# 635040
Commercial assay or kit Nextera XT DNA Library Prep Kit Illumina Cat# FC-131-1096
Commercial assay or kit RNeasy MiniKit QIAGEN Cat# 74104
Commercial assay or kit QIAshredder QIAGEN Cat# 79656
Commercial assay or kit SuperScript First Strand Synthesis kit Thermo Fisher Cat#18091050
Commercial assay or kit Lipofectamine 3000 Thermo Fisher Cat# L3000015
Chemical compound, drug Paromomycin Gemini Cat# 400-155P Used 16 g/L water
Chemical compound, drug Brefeldin A (BFA) BioLegend Cat# 420601 Used 10 µg/mL
Chemical compound, drug Thapsigargin MedChemExpress HY-13433 Used 1 µM
Chemical compound, drug GSK2606414 MedChemExpress HY-18072 Used 30 nm
Chemical compound, drug KIRA6 MedChemExpress HY-19708 Used 500 nm
Software, algorithm Prism 8 GraphPad RRID:SCR_002798
Software, algorithm ImageJ Fiji RRID:SCR_003070
Software, algorithm FlowJo v10, LLC TreeStar RRID:SCR_008520
Software, algorithm Kallisto v0.44.0 BioConductor (Bray et al., 2016) Pachter Lab
Software, algorithm Limma-Voom BioConductor (Law et al., 2014; Ritchie et al., 2015)
Software, algorithm Bioconductor tximport BioConductor (Robinson et al., 2010) DOI: 10.18129/B9.bioc.tximport
Software, algorithm Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) UC San Diego and Broad Institute (Mootha et al., 2003; Subramanian et al., 2005)
Software, algorithm CryptoDB VEuPathDB
Other Fluorescin Vicia villosa lectin stain Vector Labs Cat# FL-1231-2 IF (1:1000)
Other DAPI stain Invitrogen Cat# D1306 Flow cytometry (1 µg/mL)
Other Hoechst 33342 Thermo Fisher Cat# H3570 IF (1:10,000)
Other Alexa Fluor 647 Phalloidin Thermo Fisher Cat# A22287 IF (1:1000)