The effect of TMS on motor cortical beta coherence (mean ± SD) at rest during (A) contralesional (c)/dominant (nd) primary motor cortex (M1) TMS and (B) ipsilesional (i)/nondominant (nd)M1 TMS. (A) During c/d M1 TMS, coherence increased post-TMS in controls (*p=.02) but did not change in stroke (p=.39). There were no between-group differences pre-TMS, but controls had higher post-TMS coherence compared to stroke (*p=.02). (B) During i/nd M1 TMS, coherence increased from pre- to post-TMS regardless of group (**p=.01). The difference between groups was not significant, however, controls showed a trend for higher post-TMS coherence compared to stroke (∞p=.06).