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. 2021 Dec 20;11:24218. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-03698-7

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics of 51 patients with status epilepticus.

Item Mean ± SD or number (%)
Demographic factors
 Age 62.5 ± 19.1
 Sex (male) 35 (68.6%)
Previous histories related to seizure
 Epilepsy 20 (39.2%)
 SE history 5 (9.8%)
SE characteristics
  Acute symptomatic 11 (21.6%)
  Remote symptomatic 21 (41.2%)
  Progressive symptomatic 10 (19.6%)
  Idiopathic/cryptogenic 5 (9.8%)
  AED withdrawal 4 (7.8%)
 Dynamics of SE
  Tonic–clonic SE only 27 (52.9%)
  NCSE only 4 (7.8%)
  Tonic–clonic SE evolving into NCSE 13 (25.5%)
  Focal SE 4 (7.8%)
  Focal SE evolving into Tonic–clonic SE 3 (5.9%)
 Characteristic EEG type
  Ictal pattern 20 (39.2%)
  Ictal-interictal continuum 8 (15.7%)
  Interictal spike or regional slowing 15 (29.4%)
  Normal or intermittent generalized slowing 8 (15.7%)
  Non-RSE 32 (62.7%)
  RSE (not super-RSE) 14 (27.5%)
  Super-RSE 5 (9.8%)
Time variable
 Time between FAT and ASL (hours) 10.8 ± 7.7
 Time between benzodiazepine and ASL (hours) 7.4 ± 5.8
 Time between ASL and EEG (hours) 7.7 ± 16.0
MRI detection
 ASL: hyper- or hypo-perfusion 46 (90.2%)
  Hyperperfusion 42 (82.4%)
  Thalamic, any change 25 (49.0%)
  Thalamic ipsilateral coincidence 20 (39.2%)
 DSC: hyper- or hypo-perfusion 20 (39.2%)
 FLAIR: signal change due to SE 27 (52.9%)
 DWI: diffusion restriction due to SE 18 (35.3%)
 Coma therapy 5 (9.8%)
 Treated on ICU 36 (70.6%)
 Tracheal intubation 15 (29.4%)
 Days on ICU 9.7 ± 18.3
 Hospital days 20.0 ± 19.6
 mRS, premorbid (median [IQR]) 2 [1–3]
 mRS, at discharge (median [IQR]) 2 [2–4]
 STESS (median [IQR]) 3 [2–5]
 EMSE 57.1 ± 34.3
 Poor outcome (mRS ≥ 4) 19 (37.3%)

SD standard deviation, SE status epilepticus, AED antiepileptic drug, NCSE nonconvulsive SE; EEG electroencephalography, RSE refractory status epilepticus, FAT first abnormal time, ASL arterial spin labeling, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, DSC dynamic susceptibility contrast, FLAIR fluid attenuated inversion recovery, DWI diffusion weighted imaging, ICU intensive care unit, mRS modified Rankin Scale, IQR interquartile range, STESS status epilepticus severity score, EMSE epidemiology-based mortality score in status epilepticus.