Fig. 3.
Consistency estimation. Panel A shows dMRI parameters (10th percentile within whole-tumor ROI) versus meningioma consistency. In total we included 16 patients (with meningiomas of 7 firm, 5 variable and 4 soft). Based on MKA 10 and MK10 the firm consistency is significantly different from pooled soft and variable consistency (U test, p = 0.04 for MK10, p = 0.02 for MKA 10). Based on MD10, the variable consistency can be distinguished from soft and firm one (U test, p = 0.02). Significant parameters are marked with an asterisk (*), significant distributions with yellow arrows. Panel B shows two examples from panel A where MK10 may be useful on the individual level (marked by yellow markers in panel A). The top row shows a firm tumor that is considerably darker on the MK map in comparison to the non-firm tumor in the bottom row (yellow arrows). The images are scaled according to scale bars from Fig. 1. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)