Type estimation. Panel A shows 50th percentile (median) of dMRI parameters versus meningioma type, where 1 = Fibroblastic, 2 = Meningothelial, 3 = Transitional, 4 = Clear-cell, 5 = Microcystic/Angiomatous, 6 = Chordoid, 7 = Psammomatous. The microcystic/angiomatous type (#5) is significantly different from the other types in S0, MD, FA, MK, MKA, however, only two cases were included. The psammomatous type (#7) is significantly different from the others in MKA 50 and MKI 50 but not in MK50 (n = 5 vs 24; U test; p = 0.03 for MKA 50 and p = 0.03 and p = 0.04 for MKI 50). Panel B shows three examples from panel A (marked by yellow markers). The one in the top row shows a psammomatous type with high MKA 50. The middle row shows a case of non-psammomatous (fibroblastic) type with the highest MKA 50. The psammomatous type is somewhat brighter in MKA map than the highest non-psammomatous type (yellow arrows). The bottom row shows that an example of MD being generally high in a microcystic/angiomatous meningioma (yellow arrows). The images are scaled according to scale bars from Fig. 1. All tumors were classified according to WHO 2016 classification (Louis et al., 2016). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)