Microbial community profiles of captive and wild R. roxellana microbiome. (A) Bar plots showing the relative abundance of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes between WRr and CRr samples. Three asterisk indicates significant differences (p(FDR)-value < 0.001). (B) Box plots showing the Prevotella/Bacteroides (P/B) ratio of WRr and CRr samples. (C) The average relative abundance of taxa in the four cohorts (white = average relative abundance = 0; light green = average relative abundance < 0.01; dark green = average relative abundance > 0.01). (D) A heatmap showing the taxonomic terms that were significantly different [p(FDR) < 0.005] between wild and captive R. roxellana. Bacteria in the red box were shared by CRr, Hum, and CMm samples but not WRr samples. (E) The distribution of the relative abundances of C. difficile and P. succinatutens among the four cohorts. Panel (A–E) indicate the significant differences in bacterial communities between CRr and WRr samples, and the captive populations share some fecal microbes with humans.