9. Prediction models for which the predictive performance was compared to the RCRI.
Number of studies | |
NSQIP surgical risk score | 9 |
CHADS2 score | 4 |
Detsky index | 4 |
Goldman index | 4 |
CHADS2VASc | 3 |
R2CHADS2 score | 3 |
Vascular Study Group of New England Cardiac Risk Index | 3 |
AUB‐HAS2 Cardiovascular Risk Index | 2 |
Charlson Index | 2 |
Glasgow Aneurysm Risk score | 2 |
Halm score | 2 |
Individual items of the RCRI | 2 |
POSSUM | 2 |
P‐POSSUM | 2 |
RCRI without insulin use with low eGFR | 2 |
Reiss Index | 2 |
South African Vascular Surgical Cardiac Risk Index | 2 |
Surgical Mortality Probability Model | 2 |
Thoracic RCRI | 2 |
Tu score | 2 |
V‐POSSUM | 2 |
Adult Comorbidity Evaluation‐27 score | 1 |
Adult Comorbidity Evaluation‐27 score + high age | 1 |
Age + type of admission + RCRI + arrhythmia + electrolyte disorder + hypertension | 1 |
Age + type of admission + RCRI + arrhythmia + electrolyte disorder + hypertension + polygenic risk score for coronary artery disease | 1 |
ASA + NSQIP surgical risk score | 1 |
ASA + Surgical Outcome Risk Tool | 1 |
Ashton | 1 |
Biochemistry and Haematology Outcome Model | 1 |
Coronary artery disease + atrium fibrillation + diabetes mellitus + mechanical ventilation + heart rate | 1 |
Detsky score + type of surgery | 1 |
Dilated cardiomyopathy + ischaemic cardiopathy + CVA | 1 |
Eagle score | 1 |
Geriatric Sensitive Perioperative Cardiac Risk Index | 1 |
Insulin use + open surgery + high fibrinogen + CRP + NT‐proBNP | 1 |
Long Term Survival Score | 1 |
Modified Frailty Index | 1 |
Myocardial infarction + sex + insulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus + low BMI + high age + atrium fibrillation | 1 |
New model 1 | 1 |
New model 2 | 1 |
New model 3 | 1 |
NSQIP score "Death" | 1 |
NT‐proBNP + high creatinine + ischaemic heart disease + congestive heart failure | 1 |
Patient Outcomes in Renal Transplant model | 1 |
Preoperative risk score of the estimation of physiological ability + surgical stress score | 1 |
RCRI with redefined high‐risk surgery | 1 |
RCRI with redefined high‐risk surgery and clinical characteristics | 1 |
RCRI without insulin use and creatinine > 2.0 mg/dL | 1 |
Recalibrated NSQIP surgical risk score | 1 |
Recalibrated RCRI | 1 |
Regulatory T cells + age + sex + ASA + previous PCI + creatinine | 1 |
Surgical Outcome Risk Tool | 1 |
Surgical risk score | 1 |
TJA individual factors | 1 |
TJA risk score | 1 |
Updated Cardiac Risk Score | 1 |
Vascular Biochemistry and Haematology Outcome Model | 1 |
Vascular Quality Initiative Cardiac Risk Index | 1 |
Vascular Study Group of New England Cardiac Risk Index + anaemia | 1 |
V‐POSSUM + troponin | 1 |
V‐POSSUM + troponin + NT‐proBNP | 1 |
ACE‐27: adult comorbidity evaluation‐27; ACS‐NSQIP: American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program; CHADS2 score: congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥ 75 years, diabetes mellitus, stroke (double weight); CHADS2VASc: CHADS2 added with vascular disease, age 65 to 74 years and sex; CR‐POSSUM: POSSUM score for colorectal surgical patients; MICA: myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest; New model 1: age, sex, history of coronary revascularisation, aortic or mitral valve disease, arrhythmia, hypertension, carotid artery stenosis, hypovolaemia, chronic renal failure, emergency surgery, neurosurgery, thoracic surgery, major vascular surgery, haematopoietic/lymphatic surgery, gastro‐intestinal surgery; New model 2: age, ASA, neurosurgery, thoracic surgery, major vascular surgery, haematopoietic/lymphatic surgery, gastro‐intestinal surgery; New model 3: history of myocardial infarction, age > 70, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, female, BMI < 18, operation time > 2.5 hours, atrium fibrillation, intraoperative hypotension; P‐POSSUM: Portsmouth‐POSSUM; POSSUM: Physiologic and Operative Severity Score for the enUmeration of Mortality and Morbidity; R2CHADS2: CHADS2 score added with renal failure (double weighted); SORT: Surgical Outcome Risk Tool; TJA: total joint arthroplasty; V‐POSSUM: POSSUM for vascular surgical patients