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. 2021 Dec 16;15:4697–4705. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S345154

Table 2.

Functional and Structural Outcomes

RGPCL (n = 67) HCL (n = 17) HGCL (n = 12) p-value
Functional Analysis BCVA
BCVA-S, decimal 0.4±0.2 0.4±0.3 0.5±0.2 0.199
BCVA-CL,decimal 0.9±0.2 0.9±0.2 0.8±0.1 0.618
Contrast sensitivity
Mean PCS, dB 19.3±2.6 20.6±2.8 17.3±2.7 0.006
Mean MCS, dB 13.9±3.7 15.4±2.8 12.8±2.7 0.121
Analysis of light scattering in the retina
OSI 3.7±2.9 3.8±2.7 5.8±3.4 0.134
PVA100, decimal 0.6±0.3 0.5±0.2 0.4±0.3 0.131
PVA20, decimal 0.4±0.2 0.3±0.2 0.3±0.2 0.120
PVA9, decimal 0.2±0.1 0.2±0.1 0.2±0.1 0.054
MTF, c/deg 17.1±8.6 14.3±6.8 12.0±8.4 0.105
Pupil size, mm 4.3±2.1 3.2±2.3 4.4±2.5 0.161
Impact of tear film on dynamic optical quality
VBUT, sec 2.1±2.6 2.1±2.5 2.9±2.0 0.227
dOSI 4.8±3.1 5.5±2.8 8.3±4.3 0.024
maxOSI 6.6±4.2 8.1±5.1 10.1±4.8 0.040
minOSI 3.7±2.9 3.9±2.3 6.5±3.7 0.037
ampOSI 2.9±2.7 4.1±4.6 3.6±2.0 0.165
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Corneal tomographic parameters
minK, dioptre 48.6±6.1 46.2±3.9 43.8±5.2 0.034
maxK, dioptre 52.4±5.5 51.6±3.7 49.1±4.8 0.294
meanK, dioptre 50.4±5.7 48.6±3.6 44.0±7.6 0.020
TP, µm 423.5±74.0 489.7±77.1 484.4±76.6 0.011
BAD-D 11.7±5.4 7.1±3.9 7.7±4.5 0.013
RMS-HOA, µm 3.7±1.6 3.2±1.7 3.0±1.7 0.372
RMS-TOTAL, µm 11.6±4.3 11.0±3.8 10.0±5.8 0.601
Posterior pole tomographic parameters
CMT, µm 286.4±26.4 283.8±22.0 293.2±29.3 0.617
SCT, µm 284.0±115.2 284.4±120.0 261.4±124.1 0.822
OD-NFL, µm 98.6±13.2 96.2±18.0 98.4±10.5 0.818

Notes: Bold number represents a statistically significant p-value. Values represent mean ± standard deviation.

Abbreviations: ampOSI, OSI amplitude; BAD-D, Belin-Ambrósio deviation index; BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity, BCVA-CL, best-corrected visual acuity with contact lens, BCVA-S, best-corrected visual acuity with spectacles; CMT, central macular thickness; dOSI, OSI dynamically measured 40 times in a 20 second period as a surrogate of tear film stability; HCL, hybrid contact lens; HGCL, silicone hydrogel/hydrogel contact lens; MCS, contrast sensitivity under mesopic conditions; maxOSI, OSI maximum; minOSI, OSI minimum; MTF, modular transfer function; OD-NFL, optic disc nerve fiber layer thickness; OSI, objective scatter index; PCS, contrast sensitivity under photopic conditions; PVA100, predicted visual acuities (decimal) within the 100% contrast level; PVA20, predicted visual acuities (decimal) within the 20% contrast level; PVA9, predicted visual acuities (decimal) within the 9% contrast level; RGPCL, rigid gas permeable contact lens; RMS-HOA, root mean square higher-order aberration; RMS-TOTAL, root mean square total; SCT, subfoveal choroidal thickness; TP, corneal thickness at the thinnest point; VBUT, vision break-up time.