Figure 1.
Schematic representation of the individual-based model used in this analysis. Patients and healthcare workers (HCWs) can be in any of the infection states Susceptible, Exposed (infected but not yet infectious), Infected [infected and infectious, can be presymptomatic (i.e. detectable but not yet symptomatic), symptomatic or asymptomatic] or Recovered, and transition between states probabilistically. Patients can be infected directly from other patients or from HCWs, and there is also a pathway for the indirect spread of infection. HCWs can be infected by patients or other HCWs and also by the general community while they are not on shift. P2P, patient-to-patient transmission; P2H, patient-to-HCW transmission; H2P, HCW-to-patient transmission; H2H, HCW-to-HCW transmission; Comm, community acquisition.