Table 3.
OP means (SE) | OR means (SE) |
After ANOVA |
VA | NA | LX | WA | VA | NA | LX | WA | ||
Energy intake Kcal/d) | 83.4 (4.01) | 76.2 (3.08) | 74.6 (1.62) | 78.1 (3.62) | 77.6 (1.89) | 74.1 (2.87) | 78.0 (1.92) | 77.0 (1.18) | ns |
Body weight (g) | 477.3 (11.3)a | 470.4 (13.9)a | 454.5 (16.3)a | 460.8 (19.5)a | 371.7 (13.4)b | 360.1 (11.0)b | 359.8 (6.01)b | 361.9 (5.72)b | <0.001 |
EBW (g) | 464.8 (27.6)a | 456.9 (33.6)a | 445.8 (50.0)a | 448.8 (47.1)a | 370.1 (31.7)b | 351.2 (25.6)b | 359.8 (15.5)b | 359.9 (16.6)b | <0.001 |
Abdominal fat (g) | 26.4 (1.77)a | 26.2 (2.13)a | 25.1 (3.54)a | 26.3 (3.94)a | 11.2 (1.90)b | 8.35 (1.17)c | 10.6 (1.61)b | 9.84 (3.94)b | <0.001 |
Full Cecum weight (g) | 12.3 (0.67)a | 12.2 (1.48)a | 11.76 (1.35)a | 12.64 (1.51)a | 3.36 (0.19)b | 3.62 (0.28)b | 3.19 (0.25)b | 3.80 (0.64)b | <0.001 |
Empty Cecum weight (g) | 1.36 (0.07)a | 1.28 (0.1)a | 1.43 (0.12)a | 1.51 (0.20)a | 0.75 (0.03)b | 0.87 (0.07)b | 0.83 (0.06)b | 0.85 (0.07)b | <0.001 |
Total SCFAs (nmole/cecum) | 0.59 (0.06)a | 0.87 (0.04)a | 0.65 (0.04)a | 0.61 (0.03)a | 0.10 (0.01)b | 0.15 (0.01)b | 0.12 (0.01)b | 0.14 (0.02)b | <0.001 |
pH of cecal contents | 5.64 (0.8)a | 5.78 (0.1)a | 5.65 (0.2)a | 5.89 (0.23)a | 6.9 (0.12)b | 7.2 (0.24)b | 6.8 (0.56)b | 6.9 (0.21)b | 0.005 |
Total Bacteria per g cecal samples (X 108 gene copies of 16S gene) | 1.4 (0.03)a | 1.1 (0.02)a | 1.6 (0.04)b | 1.0 (0.03)a | 0.73 (0.03)c | 0.72 (0.006)c | 1.09 (0.03)a | 0.66 (0.01)c | <0.01 |
VA, Vancomycin; NA, Neomycin and Ampicillin; LX, MiraLAX® WA, Water; EBW, Embowelled body weight. P-value is for overall test (ANOVA), Different letters indicate significant differences after Tukey's test of multiple comparisons.