Figure 4. Time course of reaggregated spheroid from fetal kidney. HE stained photograph and immunostaining. (a) Day 1. (b) Day 3. (c) Day 5. (d) Day 7. HE staining. Scale bar: 100 μm. (e) Day 7 (immunostaining). Scale bar: 100 μm. Six2 (green), CK8 (white). (f) Organogram of reaggregated renal spheroids. On day 1, the cells were agglutinated, but no significant structures could be morphologically identified. On day 3, immature structure of cap mesenchyme and ureteric tips was detected, following day 5 and day 7, these structures could be clearly observed.
HE: hematoxylin and eosin; *ureteric buds; arrow: cap mesenchyme Six2 (green) and CK8 (white) in immunostaining.