Figure 3. BCG treatment efficacy and antigen-specific immunity boost requires γδ T cells.
(A) TCRαKO and TCRδKO mice (pooled from 2 – 3 independent similar experiments, n=number of tumors per group), or (B) TCRαKO mice with depletion of γδ T cells (representative of 2 similar experiments, n=number of tumors per group) were challenged with s.c. MB49 cells and treated with intratumoral BCG. Two-way ANOVA. Mean±SEM. (C-F) Adoptive transfers as described in Fig. 2A but using TCRαKO mice (pooled from 3 independent experiments, n=number of tumors per group). For 3 groups, repeated measures ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparison test. For 2 groups, two-way ANOVA. Mean±SEM. *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; NS, not significant.