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. 2021 Nov 10;10:e66107. doi: 10.7554/eLife.66107

Figure 5. Transcriptional profile of iMPCs.

(A) Identified myogenic clusters (in red) were sub-clustered from the other clusters (neurogenic and mesenchymal) and re-analyzed. UMAP of the new myogenic subclusters was generated. (B) Dot plot displaying expression of cluster defining genes. (C) Feature expression plots of myogenic markers. (D) Myogenic cells were ordered as a function of pseudotime using the Monocle package. (E) Pseudotime trajectory plot of myogenic clusters.Arrows represents the direction and major branches of the pseudotime. Branches A-C are marked with letters along the trajectories. (F) Gene plots displaying the expression of specific myogenic genes as a function of pseudotime. (G–H) Violin plots of myogenic (G) and chondro/osteogenic genes (H) that were significantly differentially expressed. Violin plot width depicts the larger probability density of cells expressing each particular gene at the indicated expression level. *, significantly different following differential expression testing using the Wilcoxon rank sum test per cluster. (I) SMAD and P38MAPK pathway markers significantly differentially expressed between control and FOP myogenic cells. p values for (G–H) are in Figure 5—source data 1.

Figure 5—source data 1. Differential expression analysis of control and FOP myogenic cells.

Figure 5.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1. Analysis of the myogenic sub-clusters.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1.

(A) Heat map of the top five differentially expressed genes in each cluster. (B) Cycle genes were scored for each cluster. Bar plot depicting the proportion of cells in G1/G0, G/2 M and S phase for each cluster (left) and for each sample (right). (C) Proportion bar graph of cells per cluster for the control and FOP samples. (D) UMAP showing the distribution of the two merged samples. (E) Violin plots of additional genes significantly differentially expressed by more than onefold and (F) Chondro/osteogenic genes per cluster and per sample (G). (H) Dot plot displaying the expression of genes associated with BMP and P38MAPK pathways for each cluster.